"I know almost everything that happens in the castle," Dumbledore said, shrugging. His white beard was almost blinding in this mid-day light. 

"I'm guessing we have detention--"

"No, no," Dumbledore said, smiling. "You only get detention if you are caught, which you weren't. But I must advise you not to further prank any more Professors, no matter how... ah, what's the word? Hmm, for want of a better word, questionable their character is."

I smiled at the statement. I was happy for getting away with the prank that had gone horribly wrong. The prank was just supposed to make Umbitch errupt in painful boils that Madam Pomfrey would have no problem getting rid of, but something that Fred mixed in made the boils a green color. All I can say is that she looked more like a toad than usual. Fred and I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard at our victory that took a different turn. 

Some students thought she was trying to turn into a frog, like she was an animagus toad. 

"I'm glad to see that you are all smiles," Dumbledore said

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"I'm glad to see that you are all smiles," Dumbledore said. "When we met at the Orphanage, your frown was glued on your face."

"I am more happier here," I said simply. I heard footsteps in the distance, signifying that student's needed to get to their classes. "I better get going," I said, setting my Birth Certificate back on the table and rushing out of the office.  

I ran to my next class, but I felt like someone was following me. I kept glancing over my shoulder to try to see who it was, but I found no one.  

After the class, i still felt like someone was following me. I paused next to a statue and peered out, just in case. 

I spotted Malfoy and held my breathe to see what he would do, if he was following me he would know that I was still there. If he wasn't, he would simply just pass me.

"Lily?" he called out. 

"Were you stalking me?" I asked, jumping out from the statue. 

"No," he lied. Liar, I wanted to say, but what would that solve?

I started to walk away, going back to ignoring him. It was the end of the day, I was done, exhausted beyond belief. 

"Lily, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out later?" he called.

I paused and turned around slowly, my rage hidden at first, then became as obivious as a dragon in a china shop, "What are you saying now, that we should be friends? Merlin, you are so bipolar, did you know that? One moment you are convincing me that our friendship was okay and everything was good, the next moment you don't want to go against you family's wishes, and now here you are: wanting to go be friends again?" he grimaced at my words as they stabbed his stomach, exposing him. "No, Malfoy, I am done. We are done. That's it."

"Come on, Lily, we could have something special--" Draco started.

"No, we can not have something special," I said. beginning to walk away from him. He grabbed my arm roughly and forced me to turn to face him.

He looked at me in the eyes roughly.

"You're hurting me," I said, trying to break from his strong grip. "Draco, let go!" I squirming. 

"Lily, listen to me!" he pleaded. My arm that he wasn't grabbed slowly made it's way to my pocket. I kept eye contact with him the whole time. He smiled, I smiled back. Then, out of nowhere, I pulled my wand out and pointed it in his face, my captured arm throbbing.

"Let me fucking go, now," I said, glaring at him, He released my arm and I gave him one more look before running the heck out of there. I tear escaped from my eyes, and it had nothing to do with my arm. There was only one person I felt like talking to.


"What's wrong?" asked Fred as I approached him and George. They were in the library, with books on potions out in front of them, but I got the feeling it wasn't school work.

I sat down in between them and put my head down on the cold table.

"Are you okay?" asked George, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder. I winced at the contact, expecting it to be harsher. 

"Did Malfoy do something again?" Fred asked urgently.

 I looked away from the table and up at Fred. When our eyes met, he understood what had happened. He looked down at my arm and saw the red and mark from where Malfoy had grabbed me. "He was following me in the halls, and then he ask to be friends again and hang out, and I said no, obviously, and when I started to walk away he grabbed me..." I looked down at the mark.

"Lily," said George, putting an arm around my shoulder's in a side hug. "I hope you hexed the shit out of him."

"No, but when he wouldn't let go I drew my wand, and was about to, but then he let go and I ran to find you guys," I admitted.

"Why us?" asked Fred. "So we can protect you?" he flexed his arms in a jokingly maner.

"Mostly because you make me feel better when i am down, and that Harry and them would immediately go and attack Malfoy if I had told them," I said, resting my head on the table again. I smelled gunpowder.

"We didn't say we wouldn't go attack him..." George said playfully.

"Please don't, I am done with him," I sighed, closing my eyes, I was exhausted from the day's events.

"Oh, sure thing," said Fred, pulling the hair that had covered my face away. I smiled.

I'm so sorry for late update. Next update November 29

Have a good day/night. 


Song for this chapter: Ivy by Sales 

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