Chapter V

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The captain's grasp was strong that I didn't bother to struggle. That's what I want him to think.

"That would be an honor, Captain. But I'll be declining that wonderful opportunity. Perhaps some other day." I was ready to break free by kicking him where-the-sun-don't-shine when the captain nodded at Hulk. A yelp came out of my mouth as he carries me like a sack of potatoes, again. "Fine! Fine! I'm going to meet your King. Just let me dow—" I barfed. Once again I felt sick and on the verge of puking. "Oh, stars."

I found myself on my feet after Hulk put me down. I haven't gotten a night of good sleep for three days and fatigue had kicked in. I doubt that I could sleep today.

I kept on jumping on every sudden moves around me as we walk towards the king's tent. It felt like we have been walking for an hour or maybe it was just been two minutes after we got out of the patients' tent.

Hulk was looming beside me, eyeing me with such glare. If his glares could shoot fire I would be roasted by now. "For fuck sake!" I was more surprised than them that I still have the energy to shout. The three of us stopped on our track. "I'm not going anywhere. So, why don't you scoot away and give me some space."

"Then stop twitching and jumping like some mad girl," he grumbled.

"It's not my fault that I'm like this," I said glaring at the venti coffee I still have on my hand then back to the Hulk. "Don't you dare touch me or else I might bring you to hell."

"Fergus, leave the lady alone," Reed said with eyes shined in amusement and started to walk again. Hulk gave me one last glare before following the captain. I also followed behind. "So, you don't like being touch?" The captain asked looking over his shoulder.

"No. I just hate being pulled against my will."

We suddenly stopped and bumped myself to Hulk. I staggered back with the thought of the Hulk's stoned body. Two guards stood in front of a tent with alertness. We all heard laughter coming from inside before the guards opened the tent. Reed was the first to enter. "Your Majesty," he said.

I wasn't sure if I was to enter the King's tent or wait for Reed to call.

"Reed, I want you to meet Maribel," a voice said. Must be from his majesty. It sounded like it came from a young person. I shrugged it off thinking that I must be delusional. Perhaps, another sign of too much coffee and lack of sleep. "She's the girl who save me when I got abducted. Maribel was also one of the children that escaped from the captors and healed my arm."

A soft laugh came from a girl. "It's nothing, your Majesty. The truth is I didn't do much."

"Please call me Cal. If you—"

I jumped and cursed when Hulk spoke behind me like a creep, "Get inside." He then pushed me that made me stumbled inside, thankfully I quickly regained my footing or I'll be kissing the mat.

I turned to face hulk. "You do know that I'm a girl. Can you be a little more gentle, just a tad." I placed my hand with my forefinger and thumb with an inch apart in front of his face. "'Cause I'm this close of whipping your ass." Just like he always do Hulk ignored me and bowed then salute to his king.

"Who is she?"

"That... we may have a problem," Reed said.

What problem? What the hell is this captain talking about? I knew it right in my very bones that I should have run when I had the chance.

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