Chapter III

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"Hey!" Someone called with such low voice that made me jumped and cursed loudly.

I quickly hid my phone in my front pocket and picked my food from the ground.

When I turned to the person he immediately made me feel small. A very huge man that he was. He walked towards me with a frown plastered on his face like he was not happy to see me. Involuntarily I took a step back and swallowed. This guy was a living hulk to be exact.

He stopped with a meter distance between us and he was already was looming down at me that I have to look up at the big guy. The armor he was wearing was stained with dirt and blood that he looked like he just came out from a battle. I couldn't help but to swallow ones more. "You must be the one," he said more like a gruff as he eyes me head to toe.

What one?

I looked at him confusingly but he ignored it by giving me a glare. What's this person's problem? I was about to tell him that he must have the wrong person when he suddenly pulled me, hoisted me up and carried me like a sack of potatoes, that almost made me slip my coffee out of my hand while I shrieked in the process.

"Put me down, you bastard!" I shouted on the top of my lungs. "I fucking swear you'll—" I stopped, feeling sick all of a sudden. I swung left and right with my blood going down to my head and yet I held the straw that binds the pizza box and my venti coffee cup.

My head was throbbing when the man finally put me down. I thought I was going to pass out.

I stayed there for a minute trying to regain my strength and looked at my surroundings. We were inside a large tent. Body after body were laying on the makeshift beds on both sides of the tent. All wounded and half-dead or maybe dead. There were only two people wearing a white gown treating these knights and both of them looked exhausted to the point of fainting as if they have been there the whole day tending the wounded without a break.

"Go, do your healing thing, cleric," he ordered me like I would abide him right away. He then glowered at me when I didn't move and pulled me to the nearest bed where a man was covered in bandage head to toe like he was crushed by something huge like this Hulk guy.

I glared at Hulk before looking at the patient and found that he was staring at me with weak bloodshot eyes. I placed the box on the empty table near the bed and moved closer to the patient. "What happened?" I asked.

The Hulk made a noise but I ignored him.

"It's better not to know, beautiful lady," he said and tried to smile but failed from the pain of moving.

I took a sip on my large coffee which was already warm as I make a humming sound of hmmm.

"Stop wasting time here, cleric. If he dies I'll make sure you'll die the same way as his," Hulk said threatening.

If it was not for the knight on the bed or the people who were staring towards our direction with curious eyes, I would have already beat the crap of this annoying Hulk and walked out of this tent.

"Heal," with my jaw clenched I cast a spell. The knight's body glowed in a cool color of a soft blue light.

Watching the knight's eyes widen in surprise, he then pushed his body into a sitting position and unwrapped the bandaged without a single hint of pain. Before I could hear his gratitude I was dragged to the next knight.

I pulled my arm from his grip and shouted, "Will you stop dragging me around?! As you can see I have my own two feet, thank you very much. And don't you ever touch me again."

He ignored me and pushed me towards the bed. "We are paying you because of your magic. Until you drop dead after healing all my men I won't let you stop. Now, heal him."

The next patient was unconscious but his life wasn't in danger than the first patient. And it looked like he was healing himself.

My anger fumed and I could feel my heart palpitating. I knew that at any moment now my heart would stop, but I didn't care. I was angry that I could bite his head off. "Like hell I'll do it! Go find another cleric, I don't fucking care. I'm out."

"You can't do that," he bellowed. "You'll be dead the moment you step out of this tent." His hand held the unsheathed sword on his side.

I was about to open my mouth when someone interrupted. "What's all the ruckus?"

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