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Your comments are mcfucking HilAriOus. KEEP EM COMMIN.

"I swear, he would just walk around naked at the dorm and when Hyunjin's mom came to give him some food, he squealed like a pig!" Changbin told them. The group laughed at a very pink Jisung.

Minho smiled as Jisung buried his head deeper into his chest. He rubbed Jisung's red ears instinctively as he told the others to calm down.

It was quarter to midnight, Seungmin, Kyung Mi, and Hyunjin went back to their beds to sleep while the rest were still chatting in the gazebo. While they were busy chatting about life, Jeongin was busy trying to catch a beetle climbing the roof of their gazebo.

Their serious chat came to an abrupt stop when they heard a cry and thud. They whipped their heads to the direction of the sound. "Jeongin!" Jaein exclaimed, realizing he was the only one not present.

Chan stood up abruptly and ran to Jeongin who was moaning on the ground. He kneeled beside him and waved in front of his face.

"Is he still conscious?" Minho asked.

"Yeah yeah don't worry," Chan said, helping a Jeongin sit.

"You guys can stay there, I'll take Jeongin back to the cabin." Chan continued, putting Jeongin's arm on his shoulders.

"No!" Jeongin stood up too fast and ended up tripping as he was still dizzy. "The be- the beetle! She's lonely!" He cried.
Chan sighed and just carried him in his arms bridal style.

"Well, we should hit the hay too." Woojin said standing up and fixing the table. The others soon followed him.

"Hy-Hyung..." Jeongin mumbled as he buried his head into the crook of Chan's neck. Chan felt his face heat up and heart beat faster.

"Ye-" he cleared his throat," Yeah, innie?"

He wasn't replied to but he felt Jeongin raise his head as if he was looking at Chan's shoulders. "Are you awake?"

Jeongin still didn't answer him. "Heeeey, Innie baby?" He cooed and a chuckle came out of his mouth. "You must be ti-" his sentence was cut off short when he gasped at the feeling of lips on his collarbone.

Stopping in his tracks, he soon began sweating from the heat of his face. "Hey Jeo- Jeongin, what are-" another gasp cut him off when he felt little licks on his neck.

He swallowed a moan and shook his head. We can't do this here, I might drop him...

He quickly ran to the back of their cabin, without disturbing the sleeping Kyung Mi, and sat Jeongin on the lawn chair. With a whine, Jeongin clung onto Chan's neck.

"Jeongin! Please let go!" Chan whispered nervously, earning a whine from the boy. So Chan just pulled Jeongin's hands off.

Jeongin just slumped in his chair with a soft whine as Chan turned around to catch his breath and calm his heartbeat. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. Stop it Chan. Jeongin's probably just sleepy and...and and high on medicine...

"Hyung..." Chan felt a pair of hands snake around his waist and a head rest on his shoulder from behind. His breath stopped as he stiffened.

"You must be tired too, from- from carrying me...." Jeongin pulled Chan and made him sit on the chair instead.

"Jeongin wait no- I'm-" Chan was about to tell Jeongin to just sit down but he was cut off when Jeongin sat on his lap and laid his head on his shoulders.

Chan was frozen in place, he could hear Jeongin's small and quick breaths, he could feel Jeongin's sweaty hair and his fragile body on his. Chan let his hands rest on Jeongin's back. 

Pure Coincidence - I.N. x Chanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن