High on medicine?

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All i could hear was my breathing. And the electric fan beside me, the clock on the wall and the soft bashing of the waves outside. Waves. I'm in the beach. Yeah, hyung won a contest. Beach. Jaein, Chan. Food. Fish...... and then I fainted.

I opened my eyes and saw the green ceiling above me. I grunted as I squirmed in my bed. Now just realising that it was soaked, probably from my sweat. I took a deep breath and forced myself to sit up. Oh god, I really don't wanna move right now.. but it's really hot and I need to feel wind.

I faced the fan and pushed my sweaty hair back. Also now noticing my dry throat. Seeing as I needed a drink, I turned to the edge of my bed and almost stood up. But when I saw the bedside table with a glass of water and a note on it, I stopped.

Drink the medicine in the box and rest up. You have to be energized if you want to play on the beach. :)
- Chan

I read as I drank the water. I put the glass down as my mind wandered. Beach. Sun. Waves. Probably half-naked Chan. Fuck. I can't miss that. I mean what? I- I need to drink my medicine.

I quickly opened the drawer and saw a box, opening it, I saw four tiny bottles. I frantically opened them one at a time and drank all four of them. If I drink them all, I might get better faster.

I gagged at the last bottle and swallowed it all down. I went back to me cold bed and tried to go back to sleep.

All I heard was my deep breathing, the fan beside me and the clock. The waved felt much louder now. I opened my eyes and sat up. As I felt a newly found energy in me, I smiled happily and stood up and changed my clothes. I put on my slippers and quickly ran to Jisung's cabin. I hope they're not playing without me.

Third person's POV

"Hey guys, I'm back!" Jeongin opened the door.

Everyone was in the living room ready to bring the food to the gazebo next to the sand. Everyone smiled and cheered as they went to the youngest.

"Are you feeling much better now?" Woojin held his shoulders as everyone ruffled his hair.

"Yes hyung!" Jeongin shouted a bit too enthusiastically.

"Are you sure?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah, cause you pretty much looked like the fish you were drying." Jaein added, having Hyunjin smack her head in the process.

"I promise. Now let's go to the beach!" The boy hopped happily.

Changbin looked questionably at him and glanced at Woojin. "Is he alright, really?"

"Did you drink your medicine?" Chan piped up.

"Yep! All four of 'em!" He held out four fingers as he hopped around laughing. But wide eyed expression wasn't caught by the happy boy.

"What?!" Chan exclaimed and help him down so he would stop jumping. "You were only supposed to drink half one one bottle!!"

"Oh well, past is past. At least now I'm better!" Jeongin shrugged.

Chan sigh as he was about to launch into a lecture but Jeongin interrupted before he could start. "Hyung, did I ever tell you you look absolutely, with no doubt, very fucking hot?" He held Chan's face with both his hands.

Jaein and Woojin's jaws sunk as they stared at their baby brother. "I fucking knew it!" Jaein exclaimed.

" That was unexpected..." Woojin said.

"I'm gonna go help you guys now." Jeongin shone a bright smile at them before pecking a bright red Chan on the cheek. Leaving Woojin, Jaein and Chan frozen.

"Jeongin and Chan!" Jisung started.

"Sittin' on a tree!" Hyunjin continued.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-!" Minho followed before getting punched by Chan.

"Stop it. He was...." Chan though of something to say, "I don't know?! Probably high on medicine...." he said before getting some plates and moving them to the gazebo. Minho, Changbin, Felix, Jisung and Hyunjin followed him teasing poor Chris.

Arriving at the gazebo, Jeongin was nowhere to be found. "Where's Jeongin?" Chan spoke, putting down the food he held.

"Are we sure he came here?" Feliz voiced.

"Maybe he's already- oh, there he is." Minho said pointing at the beach.

Chan looked at the sea and saw a tiny Jeongin playing in the water. His heart melted as a smile crept up his face. He admired how adorable he looked just by running around and playing with water.

"What's that on your face, Chan?" Felix smiled at him.

"Huh? what?" Chan absentmindedly replied, not taking his eyes off Jeongin.

"Shh Felix," Changbin said and pushed him away, "It's the face of love. Now let's go change our clothes and then we can play too."

Felix cheered and ran as fast as he could to the cabin, passing Jaein, Kyung Mi and Woojin. "Isn't that Jeongin?" Kyung Mi pointed to the boy in the water.

"Good god, he still hasn't put any sunscreen!" Woojin said and walked down to him. The two then came back with Jeongin running at light speed and hugged Chan with his wet body. He let out a screech with the cold feeling on him, yet he couldn't wipe off the smile on his face.

"Jeongin get off of Chan," Woojin said and put a towel over his head.

"No!" The younger replied and latching himself like a koala onto Chan.

Woojin chuckled at him in defeat so Chan took the towel instead. "I'll take care of him." He told Woojin.

The Chan waddled somewhere behind the gazebo, where it was facing the sand. He sat down and patted Jeongin's back. "Baby look at me." He said.

Jeongin took his head out of the crook of Chan's neck with a bright smile. Chan's eyes softened as he admired the boy in front of him. From his flat stomach seen through the shirt stuck on him by water, his glistening collarbone, shiny and puffy cheeks, beautiful smile that reminded him of the braces he loved, and his cat like eyes covered by thick strands of wet hair. He put his hands on either side of Jeongin's hips and rubbed them up and down, making the younger whimper.

"You're so cute...." Chan said softly.

Jeongin replied with a slight giggle as he stopped Chan with his hands. "It tickles!!" He blushed.

"What was that I can't seem to hear you properly...." Chan said starting to squeeze his sides. (a/n: despite the fact he's basically straddling you again?)

Jeongin let out a laugh and squirmed on Chan's lap. "Hyung! No! Stop!" He said in between laughter. Chan used every fiber in his body to fight the urge to litter him with kisses all over the face.

"Hey Chan, are you done drying Jeongin? We need help with the grill!" Woojin called.

Chan frantically searched for the towel, which ended up on the ground and took little to no time drying Jeongin. The two giggling messes ran up to the gazebo, where everyone was starting to eat.

"And where have you two been?" Jaein crossed her legs and raised her eyebrows. Chan made an excuse to help Woojin and ran off.

"And why do you care?" Jeongin stuck his tongue out and followed Chan.

Jaein just huffed with a heavy heart and took a glance at Hyunjin, who had a smug look.

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