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"Chan hyung!"

I flinched and dropped my pen.

"Jeongin~!" I whined. "Stop scaring me like that!"

"Sorry hyung, you're just too cute not to scare!" He giggled as he sat dow in front of me. I put on a shy smirk not knowing there was a blush forming on my face.

"I brought lunch today," he said putting down my pen on my table, "do you wanna taste? I also made some lunch for you." He smiled with a smile as sweet as honey.

Oh god it's getting so hot here...

"Ye-Yeah sure! I'm sure it'll be delicious!" I kept my books and cleared my table.

He put down two lunch boxes opened them. One was filled with rice and the other was filled with food. I took my chopsticks but Jeongin stopped me.

"No way. I'm gonna feed you." He smiled as he took the chopsticks from my hand. I-Is he serious?

"Aaaah~" he held up his chopsticks to my face. I hesitantly opened my mouth.

"I didn't know you were such a good cook!" I complimented.

"Thanks! I learned this for you." He smiled shyly as he took a bite. I stared at his soft face, pink lips, thin nose, calm eyes and his cheeks I so dearly want to hold. Let's ask him out to the mall today-

"Jeongin, do you wanna-" i said but he cut me off with food again. But I opened my mouth anyway, I'll just ask him out later.

"Waitwaitwiat- blow on it first! It's quite hot." He smiled.

"Okay, baby~" i smiled and blew on it a few times. But I suddenly felt a pair of lips on mine. I opened my eyes and saw Jeongin's closed eyes.

Suddenly I heard a low squeal. I let go of the kiss and looked to my side to see Jaein squealing.

"What the fuck?!"

I raised my head and remembered I fell asleep in the school café. But Jisung and Minho were with me thou- ah, they're probably somewhere else making out with each other. Ew. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to find where the noise came from. It turns out, Yugeom, BamBam and Hyunbin were playing some game with Junhoe, Jungkook, Dokyeom and Mingyu cheering for some reason.

I sighed and ruffled my hair. "It was just a dream....." I felt my lips frown.

"What was just a dream?"

I flinched from the voice behind me and took a deep breath to calm myself. "You scared me-" i sighed and turned my head, only to see Jeongin's face centimetres from mine.

"Boo." He smiled cheekily. I could feel his breath on my mouth.

I immediately backed away while covering my mouth. But nothing could cover the blush covering my hot face.

"J-Jeo-Jeongin! What the hell?!"

I saw his eyes droop as he pouted in shock. "Do you not want to see me?" He sat down on the chair beside me.

"No!" His expression looked hurt.

"Yes! I mean-" I shook my head. Come on Chan, what the hell are you doing?

I sighed. "I was just really shocked to see you, sorry if I hurt you.." I explained as I sat properly.

"Well I was really hurt hyung," he put his hand on my shoulder and frowned. "So now you'll have to treat me to a cake! As an apology." He smiled.

I snickered and pinched his cheek as hard as I could. "You monkey." I said as I stood up while he whined.

As promised I bought him a vanilla cheesecake and set it down in front of him. Expecting him to start eating, I started cleaning up my table of my books and studying materials. But after a few minutes of quietly being stared at, I sighed.

"Are you gonna eat your apology cake or not?" I laid my head on my palm.

" Feed me." He smiled brightly.

"Wh- Wha- Wha- what?" I wheezed, talk about deja vu.

"Come on~ Feed meeee~~~" he opened his mouth.

I sighed and took the spoon. Then an idea popped into my head. I could do the same trick Jeongin did to me in my dream. My eyes widened at the thought. I took a look at him again. He was still closing his eyes and opening his mouth.

"Hyung~~" he whined, "hurry!!" He pouted while scrunching his face.

"Okay okay." I said and cut a pice of the cake and leaned in closer to him.

Our faces were just inches apart. Just one push and our lips could touch. I could feel his breath on my lips. Shit. This is is Chan. Now Go!

"Whacha doin Chan?" A voice cane from behind me.

I panicked and screeched and accidentally headbutted Jeongin. Oops.....

He howled in pain as I sat there frozen. "No-Nothing....."

I turned around and saw Yugeom and Mingyu smirking.

"Ohohoho! You're taking advantage of Jeonginnie!!" Jungkook came and stood proudly.

"WhAt?! No!!" I defended.

"Then why did it look like you were about to-"

"Come on Innie, let me take you to the clinic."

filler chapter. sorry bbs :(((

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