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I was wondering out in the backyard of her owners house, she had a clear view of the forest (the camp thing is in the forest) and wanted to go there. I would try to climb the fence, but my owners 5 year old daughter would always notice and rip me from the fence roughly, putting me back on the ground, so I stopped trying. I'm a small cat, I can be grabbed easily by a 5 year old. All of a sudden, I heard my owner yell something to her daughter, and she ran inside, delighted. I took this as my opportunity and scrambled over the fence, running into the forest.

It felt like I was running for hours when I heard something pounce nearby. I quickly scrambled behind a tree and looked out cautiously. I saw a purely white cat with a mouse in its mouth. His voice was muffled, but I could make it out. "Alright. I gu-" his ears perked up and his head snapped twards my direction as I shifted slightly, making a leaf russle. "Who's there? I won't hesitate to rip you to shreds." He said, sternly and loud. "U-um... me.." I managed to choke out. (Did I mention some charecters are gonna be really out of charecter?) "WHO IS 'ME'?" "G-golf ball.." I softly said, still behind the tree. "Hmm.. I've never heard of you. Reveal yourself, NOW." I slowly stepped out from behind the tree, trembling. His eyes shot directly to my neck. "My my my, a kitty pet?" (I'm sorry I have never even read worrier cats I just didn't know what to call them-) he remarked. "Come with me, I'm ready to be a canibal- (BEEEEEP-) you will make a good snack.. hehe." "W-WHAT?!" I tried to pull away from him, but his grip on my collar was to strong. "Don't. Struggle." He half yelled, I looked down in fear and kept walking with him.

We came to a camp looking thing, with other cats sitting on logs in the middle. "Oh my gosh, snowball!" A copper colored cat yelled, looking directly at me. "What? She was in the forest, probably wanted to steal some pray." He remarked. "Snowball, she's a kitty pet! Why would she wanna steal our pray??" The copper colored cat yelled again. At this point, everyone was looking at who I assume is "snowball" and me. "You never know. Don't trust strangers, coiny."  He half yelled. "SNOWBALL-" "whatever!" He yelled, letting go of my collar and pushing me away so I slid across the dry dirt. I let out a small yelp, witch caught "coiny"?s and a green cats attention. No, 2 green cats. Whut-

one of the green cats and coiny rushes twards me, asking if I was okay or not. I noticed snowball scough and walk away. "Yeah I'm okay.." I said. "I'm leafy, and this is coiny, one of my best friends! What's your name?" Leafy exclaimed, a huge grin on her face. "I'm golf ball." I said, noticing the other green cat was just staring at me. He saw I noticed him and he looked away. "Who's that?" I asked, pointing twards him. "That's tennis ball, or tb for short." Leafy said, still smiling. "HES A NERD!!" coiny yelled, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Coiny! Don't make fun of Tb!" Leafy exclaimed, her smile fading away into a small frown. "Chill, leafy. I wasn't making fun of him! I was just... saying how smart he is by saying he's a nerd!" Coiny exclaimed, an akaward smile growing on his face. Leafy gave him a look, then turned back to me, her smile coming back. "Do you wanna stay here? Or you probably have owners to get back to actually.." leafy said her smile fading again. "I can stay! I don't like my owners." I said, exited. She gasped. "Yay!! You can live with Tb, we live in pairs her by the way-)" she exclaimed, saying the last part quieter. "Okay! ... where would that be?" I asked. "Oh, right over here. Oh- HEY TB! Come over here please!! You have a new roommate!!" She yelled. "Okay, wait who? Oh, her.. ok." We walked over to his rock house thingy and me and him walked inside.

He showed me around, and we hit it off emidiately, because we both like math and science. We were best friends in a matter of days. The next day we went to the hang out area (I'm gonna call the logs that) and sat down next to eachother. We were all talking about our opinions on something and I agreed with one of his points. Suddenly, coiny shouted "TB GB SITTING IN A TREE, K I S S I N G!!!" "Coiny! I only like Tb in a platonic way!" I yelled, probably blushing a little. "Yeah sureeeee~" he remarked and everyone laughed. I felt my face get warmer. I looked back at Tb. Is he bl- no!! I'm just seeing things!!! Am I...?

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