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I shook my head and and ran to me and tbs den (I'm gonna call them that now). "Chill, gb! It was just a joke!" Coiny called out, but I didn't listen, because he was being annoying. I lied on the couch (the couch lol?? This doesn't make any sense I told u-) and softly growled to myself. "U-um... gb?" I heard Tb softly call out. "What.." I said, still grumpy about coiny. "Did that annoy you that much?" He said, looking worried. "Well.. w-why is it any of your business?" I snarled, burying my face into a throw blanket(?). "..You don't have to say anything of you don't want to.." he solftly said, I could hear the worry in his voice. "Just... don't worry about me, I'm just frustrated." I said empatheticly. He walked to his room (I guess these are animal jam dens now-) and closed the door.

"Yeah idk why she was so ticked off" Coiny explained to his mate, who had been sick that day. "Yeah, but that sounds like it was hilarious, I wish I could have been there." Pin croaked, looking up at coiny. Coiny pat her head. "Well I'm gonna hit the hay, night." "Goodnight, coiny" She dosed off to sleep.

I woke up and walked to the living room (ok these are just houses now lol-) and saw that gb fell asleep with her face in that throw blanket(?). I rub her back a little "hey, it's time to wake up." I say softly. She grabs the blanket and covers herself. "Mrrrrow." She says softly but aggressively. I just wait a few seconds, and then her head pops out. "I don't wanna get up." She groans, her head slamming back into the couch. "Golf ball do you want me to drag you to the hangout area?" I sternly, but jokingly chuckle. She shoots up, and stares at me, the blanket still around her body. "Just try" she growls playfully. "Sure-" "WAIT-"

He grabs me by the scruff and legit starts to carry me out of the den like I'm his KITTEN. "Ok stop stop stop I'll walk myself!" I yell, he lets me go. "Bajeesus, tb." I say, starting to walk with him. "I don't think I have ever heard anyone say 'bajeesus' to me." He chuckles. "Oh shut up." We walk to the hangout area, and for some reason, coiny isn't there yet, he's always there bright and early. A lot of other cats are also chilling around or on the logs, kinda waiting for coiny, sinse he keeps them entertained a lot, with his shinanigans and stuff. A black cat with white spots and highlights comes up to me. "Yeet." He says. "What did you just say to me?" I retorted. "Yeet." He repeats. "Um.." I turn to Tb. He has his paw on his face, shaking his head. An orange cat with black stripes runs up behind him and pulls him away. "8-ball, stop going up to people and saying 'yeet'!!" She scolds. "Come ooonnn basketball, it's fun to see their reactions." He complains. She walks up to me. "I'm so sorry, he acts like a 5-year old all the time." She apologizes. "Uh.. it's fine." I reply. I see 8-ball go up to an icy blue cat with a cube pattern and say what I assume to be "Yeet".  I look back at Tb. "How much does he do this?" I ask. "You don't wanna know." He replied, glaring at 8-ball, who is now being dragged away from the blue cat by basketball.

Ohgoahohgoshohagoshogahdofjsobdjd- I'm late, everyone is probably waiting for me, imlateinlayeimlateondjsbej- I run out of my den, sprinting towards the hangout area, forgetting that I live right by it, and flew into two cats chatting on a log, knocking them over. "SorryfoursorryX" I say quickly. "IM HERE EVERYONE-" I yell, only to be cut off by four. "You didn't even check if we were ok when how knocked us over, X just face planted into the ground and he was has a nosebleed now, not to mention a cut on his cheek." I slowly turn around to see X sobbing on the ground holding his nose, blood staining his paws, as well as the cut on his cheek. "I'm so sorry, I-" all of a sudden "not cool"s, and "what's your problem?"s started coming from the crowd of cats in the hangout area. X was liked by all the cats. My ears and tail drooped, as I quietly walked of into my den, holding back tears of guilt.

I softly rubbed Xs back as cats came to see if he was ok. Others who didn't were angrily talking about what I assume is coiny, that really was a jerk move on his part though. But Tb and gb were just sitting there, staring, and as usual, snowball didn't care.

I slowly turn towards Tb. "What was that about?" I ask. "Everyone likes X, so If anyone hurts him or makes him upset, even it was an accident, everyone hates on them and they most likely are never liked by a soul again." He says, still staring at the crowd of cats.

I run into my den, and collapse onto the couch, sobbing. I muttered "I'm sorry"s and "it was an accident.."s to myself through sobs. My sadness soon grew into anger, "I-it was just an a-accident, a-holes.." I croak shakily through sobs. I soon fall asleep. The next morning I'm shaken awake by pin. "Wakey wakey, eggs and backy!" She exclaims. "I'm all better!" I look up at her, memories of the last day flooding back, as tears form in my eyes. "Coiny..? Are you ok?" She asks comfortingly. "N-no.. I accidentally hurt X really bad yesterday.. I bury my face into the couch. "No ones ever gonna like me again.." I shakily say, tears starting to stream down my face. "I can't show my face in public." I croak. "Well, maybye just explain how sorry you are-" "THAT WONT WORK." I yelled, tears coming down harder now. "REMEMBER WHEN PING PONG BALL ACCEDENTALLY SMACKED X IN THE FACE?!" I screamed. "HE HAD TO LEAVE BECAUSE NOBODY LIKED HIM, EVERYONE HATED HIM." I kept screaming "NOW I HAVE TO LEAVE TOO." I screeched, crying as hard as I could. I looked up at pin, my vision was blurred by tears, but I could tell she was sad and scared. Then her expression turned angry, with tears forming in her eyes. "W-well.. then I don't like y-you either." She sternly and shakily said, then ran out the door.  "Great.. just greAT." I half yelled. "Now my own mate hates me.." I muttered, still crying. I guess I gotta leave. I wipe my face and walk out the door, getting endless glares and rude remarks. I walked out into the forest with no direction at all.

a universe that makes no sense Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant