twenty-two: to the stars, please

Start from the beginning


"You should really learn to tie your tie. Layla can't do everything for you." She flicks the end of my loosely-tied tie as she walks away.

I can't help but smile. I do need to figure that out.


"You're sure you want to go with me?" I ask Jordan one more time as walk up the steps towards the entrance of the hospital.

Jordan sighs loudly. "Really, Jonah? We're already here. I told you before that I was fine with coming along. Do you not want me to come, or something?" A smirk suddenly grows on her lips. "Are planning to confess your love?"

I roll my eyes and elbow her so that she stumbles along the wall. She laughs aloud, earning us stares from a few nurses passing by us. Once we reach Layla's room, I knock gently on the edge of the open door and peek my head around. I find her sitting up in her bed with a chapter book in hand. She drags her eyes away from the page she's on to look over at me standing in the doorway.

A smile spreads erupts on her face, but even her attempt at that is slow. I notice just how tired and pale she looks, like she hasn't slept in a year. Even her usually pink lips are drained of color. Yet her eyes are still a vibrant brown, never ceasing their glow.

I walk into the room, Jordan following behind. When I reach her, I lean down and kiss her forehead before I take a seat in the chair next to the bed. Jordan stands beside me awkwardly.

"I hope you don't expect me to greet you like that," Jordan jokes; her usual way of breaking the ice.

It makes Layla laugh though, which brings a smile to my face.

Jordan continues, seeming to grow more comfortable. "How are you feeling, Layla?"

Layla pushes herself up straighter and adjusts the oxygen tube that is stuck under her nose and around her ears. "I've been better if I'm being honest."

Jordan presses her lips together. She sits down gently on the edge of Layla's bed, taking up just enough room for her small body to fit on. She must be scared of hurting Layla.

"Oh..." A smirk crosses Jordan's face after a moment, replacing her concerned eyes. "I bet if Moose were here, he would make you feel better. He has that effect on people."

Layla nods her head. "I would love for you to bring him to see me. I bet he's gotten really big."

"Oh my gosh," Jordan exaggerates. "He's so heavy and big now. It's funny though because he doesn't realize it. For some reason, he likes to walk between your legs like a cat when he greets you at the door. It's the cutest thing ever."

"Yeah, until you trip over him and almost crack your phone in the process," I chime in. Jordan laughs at that and jabs her thumb in my direction.

"Moose has also turned into a comedian. Does the funniest things to this dork."

I make sure to roll my eyes at that one. Jordan suddenly jumps into more conversation, changing the subject from school to teachers to our mom – anything but what's really on all of our minds.

Jordan suddenly pauses after Layla says something about having to take filler classes every year but making sure they could benefit her. I catch a nervous look on Jordan's face and straighten up, waiting to see what she has to say.

Jordan glances quickly at me and then back at Layla as if trying to see if I'm paying attention. "Do you know if they have any creative writing classes?" She glances at me again like she's trying to imagine I'm not here.

Layla smiles. "I'm not sure, but you should totally ask the guidance counselor when you go back to school so you can sign up for it. Do you like to write?"

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