Day 1 - Alternate Sports Festival Battles

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DISCLAIMER. I'm very aware that none of TBT actually got far in the Sports Festival. This is if they did, if they were good enough at their quirks at the time to do this.

"Tamaki? You alright?"
He felt a poke on his head, and Tamaki looked up sleepily. Nejire smiled at him and waved. "You looked like you were in pain."
"I am, my stomach hurts."
The girl looked at the bits of food still left on his plate. "Tamaki, your belly's gonna explode if you eat too much, y'know! You already have enough, do you even know how much you can summon at once?" Her voice was serious, but still full of energy. Just like she normally was when she felt strongly about something.
Tamaki glanced back down at his food, looking back up shyly. "Um.. I'm up against Miri-chan, Hadou. I need all the help I can get." he hated eating in front of people and he'd stuffed himself for the last match, but regretted the choice for the wings. He didn't need them and now he felt like he was going to throw up if he ate more and that wasn't good with an opponent that always went full on for the gut.
"Ahhhh, right. But he'll toltally let you win if you want him to. You're toltally his weak spot!"
"No!" Tamaki shook his head. He sighed, "I just have to finish this, then I'll go out, okay? I have fifteen minutes, don't I?" Tamaki did, however, take note of the 'toltally his weak spot' part.
"Only a few bites! You know Mirio will go for your gut."

Tamaki only had a few moments of silence after Nejire left, as he heard the door open. When he glanced over, Mirio strode through and smiled at him. "Heya! You about ready?"
The smaller boy nodded some. "Yeah. I just hope I had enough."
"Ah," Mirio snickered, sitting next to Tamaki and patting his shoulder. He could tell the guy had gotten nervous. "Don't worry. I'll go easy on you." he was mostly joking, he only would if Tamaki wanted him to. He knew his friend didn't want to get this far in the sports festival anyway and he felt bad; the least he could do was not give it his all. He could go in and get Tamaki out of bounds right away but he wouldn't, this is on live TV in front of thousands of people in the audience. He couldn't humiliate him like that. Of course, he was still trying to win, but he couldn't do that to Tamaki.
"No," Tamaki said, turning, startled out of the anxiety. "No, don't hold back. It's not good for your image, nor mine. Give me all you got, this is to showcase to pro heros who want to scout you what you can really do."
That was quite the speech, especially for Tamaki. Mirio chuckled, "Wow, I didn't know you were capable of talking that long! I won't hold back, then, but I'm not gonna go full. Y'know," he flashed a different kind of smile than he always wore, and it send an odd chill down Tamaki's spine. "So I don't completely blow you away."
Mirio wasn't usually intimidating, what with his comic-book looking face. What he said was so cliche and such a trope and Tamaki wouldn't usually be afraid, but it was the way he said it with that look on his face.
He suddenly changed his expression completely and glanced down to Tamaki's bag.
"Can I have a pocky?"
"Uh.. Yeah." Tamaki grabbed the box and opened it, handing one over, and Mirio chomped down.
"Wow, these're stale."
"I like them more crunchy. They're not stale, I get a different kind."
Mirio messed up Tamaki's hair, finished up his little snack, than walked off.


Present Mic's voice wasn't the only one Tamaki could bear blaring in the background. He had seen the amount of people twice already and it still send anxiety ravaging through his veins. It wasn't as bad as the first time, but it was still killing him. He felt himself shaking and tried to calm it down.
He didn't know when to step up until he heard the words "Silent but deadly," then knew it was his turn
Seeing Mirio, someone who was much, much more qualified for this position in the tournament then he, made it worse, made the anxiety and nervousness worse. He hadn't thought he would get this far but the idea of going up against Miri made his head spin. He was so incredibly talented and smart and strong even without his Quirk, Tamaki didn't think he had any chance at all.
But did that mean the wasn't going to try?
He was gonna try his absolute best, but not try too hard to actually win since he didn't want to have to be on that pedestal for everyone to see. There was still a match after this one and he didn't really feel like being up there.

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