Epic Embarrassment (5)

Start from the beginning

"Well daaa, of course, I could," I replied even though I knew that it was a rhetorical question

Thankful he didn't reply, he only gave me a dirty look then looked back down.

"Do you fight ?" I asked unable to get what had happened the other night out of my head
He slowly closed his book with one of his fingers still holding the page he was at, he inhaled then exhaled slowly before looking up at me
"What do you think ?" He asked

"Well, could you teach me?" I said hoping that he could mostly because I What nothing else to say and he was kinda making it difficult to be his friend.

"You want to learn how to fight? , what happened to extracurricular classes?" He replied in an amusing voice.

"Those don't really work, what if I'm attacked" his eyebrows went up, his eyes were questioning me, it's like he was saying ho please like that's never happened before.

"Worst than the other night that is" I quickly stated

"Maybe" he mumbled obvious not showing any interest in what I was saying

"Maybe as in you'll think about it?" I asked slightly excitedly

"Maybe as in Maybe I will" he replied as he got up and walked over to another now empty table across the room leaving me by my self
wondering if he was aware that, that made no sense.
But maybe it was one of those moments where you try to seem cool but you end up saying something stupid.

The bell rang and I quickly jumped up and stuffed everything in my bag
I had physical education next and my clothes were in my book locker, how did I forget to take it out.

I ran all the way their then all the way to the female changing locker, when I was entering the female changing locker room I saw Terrance enter the male locker room that was down the hall from this one.

Does he have physical education now too, I wondered.

"Look guys it's Amanda, this is heaven for you isn't it?." I smiled at the girl that was talking to me thinking she was saying something nice.

"What do you mean?." I asked still smiling.

"Oh come on it's quite obvious your into the same gender," she shouted causing everyone to laugh and my smile slowly faded. I wonder what lead them to this conclusion now.

"Aren't lesbians always sexy? , she sure is an ugly lesbian." another girl says
My once smiling face was now a frown.

"Oh, I get it it's heaven for her because lesbians like other females and the locker room are full of basically naked girls." Well, she was obviously slow.

"I am not a lesbian," I yelled on the verge of crying "plus hasn't society accepted people who are different." I continued.

"Ha, so you do admit it."

"No, I didn't," I yelled,
I hate when someone accuses me of something that is false it just gives me a fiery feeling in my chest.

"And she's never even had a boyfriend." The second girl who spoke said.

"That says nothing, it just makes me a virgin and you a slut." I quickly stated.

"Oh please, we've never even seen you with a boy."

"Maybe your blind then," I replied I could feel my eyes slightly burning me.

I quickly walked out of the changing room and went to the bathroom to change.

On my way there I was refraining from sobbing, with my head low as I wiped my eyes because they burned.
I softly collided with someone but I didn't bother to look up I only mumbled a sorry and continued to walk.

"What's wrong?." The person asked as he held my arm stopping me from walking,
I looked up and was met with Terrance's face.
"Nothing," I mumbled as I jerked his hand off mine and started to walk again.

"Where are you going?."He asked.

"To the bathroom to change" I mumbled.

"Why, you'll be late."

"I don't care!." I stated, but the truth is I did care.

Thankfully he didn't ask any more questions.

I slowly walked to the bathroom and got dressed, I stayed for about five minutes and sobbed, thankfully no one came in.
I felt so insecure right now.

I slowly walked out of the bathroom and was ready to walk to class.

I jumped in fright when I noticed Terrance leaning on the wall next to the bathroom door, he seemed to be playing a game or something on his phone.

He was in basketball shorts and a white school P.E t-shirt with the logo on it.

"Why are you here, you don't need to be here, I don't want you here, "I said to him

" I know I thought about that about five minutes ago, but it was already too late to leave," he answered then started to walk in the direction of our class, I followed.

"Females are so weird." I heard him mumble when we were halfway there but refused to answer.

"Just play along" he stated before he pushed the gym door open.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now