Chapter 4 - Luckless Sonia

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Aaron's POV 

' Hmm, she's the rumored, Sonia huh? Beautiful reddish brown hair  that suits her shape of her face well and her black beady eyes feels like she looks through you in one glance. I'm gonna just gonna say hi, since she looks so lonely over there' I thought. 

She sat there, looking at her lunch, not even moving a finger to start to eat but when I went over there, it seems like her eyes were gleaming for particular reasons?

I might be the first to talk to her.

Lucky me, she's one hot chick that gives a different feel from any other girls.

We chatted quite for some time, and I needed to go back to class already, thus, I left her my name. She looked kind of disappointed when I left her alone again.

I don't know why but I want to visit her again and cure her of loneliness.

Well, that sounds cheesy but I don't care.


Sonia's POV

Aaron's such a nice person, I hope I meet him again but not the Jacob guy.

He's a jinx !

Really ! Today, I had my desk filled with graffiti and my shoes are nowhere to be seen !

Ugh !

Why did I even have to sit with him, its bad luck seriously. I want to change my place the moment I could.

"Ring ! Ring ! " The damn bell rang.

Time to return to hell...

I walked back to  clear my untouched food. I had not much of an appetite and I know wasting food is bad but I don't normally waste food. I'm much more of the good girl who plans to go green after all my studies.

Its just that, bad luck on my first day ruins my appetite.

I walked to my next class. To my surprise, Jacob was there. What did I say about hell?

My face was distorted with despair as the math teacher made me partner the same person again since he obviously doesn't have one and is much more of the so called, 'cool' guy. I personally think that he is more of the 'loner' than a cool one.





I stared at him feeling slightly irritated.

" What? Don't you have anything better to do than to stare at me?" he said it purposely, loud enough for the whole class to hear.

Everyone glared at me.

Oh yeah, what another great start for the maths class.

" Hey you geek ! Stop bothering Jacob, he has no time for you! Even if you gave your ugly body to him, he wouldn't want it, better start taking care of your looks, " The blondie from my previous class commented.

Everyone laughed and sneered at me.

I heard the blondie was Kate, a girl who is mean to almost everyone except Jacob and some others. I looked at myself and thought that its not that bad to tie my hair up in a ponytail and wear a casual brown polo along with skinny jeans.

Then, I looked at what she was wearing, her blond straight hair that was at shoulder length matched her hairband. Her petite figure made her look adorable. She has good body proportion. Emerald eyes twinkling like stardust makes the guys go crazy if not for her bitchy attitude she might actually get a decent one.

The silver earrings with hot pink sleeveless top was what she was wearing , her skirt was extra short. Well, I wouldn't dare dress like her. All the guys would be able to look underneath your skirt if you bend over to take up something.

I groaned to myself, wishing this horrible luck would soon go away.

But then, do I have luck?






I could go on forever describing but, lets stop at this point.


What do you guys think about this tiny Aaron's POV? Well, I intend on doing many other POV's apart from Sonia's. Anyways, Comment and Vote ~~

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