Chapter 1: A Dumb Flower and a Crazy Goat Lady

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As I came to, the first thought I had was where am I?

Where is my parents?

Where was the smell of waffles?

Where was the yelling of my friends?

Where is the bus?

Where is... where?

When I woke up fully, I see my friends laying on the ground. I sit up. I looked down to see my outfit had changed from my regular school girl clothes to a hoodie dress. I looked up to see Chara had the same thing. Jennifer had a cute adorable dress while Cristina had a shirt with overalls.

I looked up at where we come from. No way up. No way down unless you jump. I looked back at my friends who jumped down with me after I jumped down. They were willing to go down here with me and get stuck in a place where we may never see our parents again.


Why would they...?

Somethings I may never know.

As I stood up and stretched, Chara woke up and sat up. She looked up at me. Chara has brown hair, pale skin, and red eyes. The red eyes is a mystery of it's own. No one knows how she got that eye color. Some say it could be DETERMINATION, or it could be something else. Whatever it was I still care for her all the same.

Next one up was Jennifer. Jennifer is a blonde haired girl with beautiful eyes. Literally her eyes were two different colors: purple and light blue. Light blue in this world means patience. The purple eye color means perseverance.

It's a very unique eye colors to have for your eyes. Everyone who saw her eye colors are amazed with it. She hated that type of attention, so she started to hide her purple eye behind her hair, only showing it with us or her family. Understandable considering you have a ton of people looking at your eyes because of the colors.

Next one up to wake up, and certainly not least, was Cristina. She has beautiful black hair, tan skin, and beautiful orange eyes. Orange means bravery and it fits her quite nicely. Shes wearing a light orange dress with flowers at the bottom. It's cute dont get me wrong, it's just she doesn't like dresses. Ya see.. shes a tomboy. The school literally have to make sure her uniform wasnt a dress. That's how bad her tomboy feelings are.

I smiled at my friends. I was glad they jumped down with me. And I have to make sure they know it.

"Girls.. you didnt have to....," I said.

Chara smiled up at me. "Of course we have to! It wasn't fair to you and we cant live without you! It wont be fun without the fourth member of our group."

I giggled. Of course that's the reason. Everyone knows that me and the girls are friends and have our little friend group. It just makes me happy to know they are here. That's when I realised. They jumped down for me. They jumped down and now they are stuck with me till we find a way out. I felt bad for them. They are stuck here.

"Girls... your now stuck here with me..." I said with tears forming in my eyes.

Chara hugged me. "We did it for a reason. It was no fair to you that they treat you the way that they did. Its not your fault you have so much determination. None. They just think it's just something you should punch at."

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