Chapter eighteen

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Laura's Pov

Ross just stood there. That's all he done. He just knocked Noah out and all he does is stand there.

"Ross! What the heck was that!" He just stood there with his head down as I yelled at him. "I can't believe you! You have changed! Why did you punch him?!"

"Why? Why! Why Laura? Why did I punch him! Hmmm let's see well some guy comes up and starts hitting in MY girlfriend!"

I was getting mad now. I have to let it out. "Ross get this thorough your thick head! You cheated on me! We are not together anymore! I let you in! I let you break down my walls but all you did was break my heart! I fell for you. I thought you loved me! I fell in love with you! You want to know what's even worse?! I can't just stop loving you no matter how much I try! There is still apart of me that wants to run up to you and kiss you but you know what? That's not going to happen! I am never letting you or anyone else into my heart again!" I was done with my rant and was getting ready to get Noah some help but Ross' lips on mine stopped me.

Ross' Pov

I couldn't take it. She was turning me on. Yes she was yelling at me and yes I felt bad but I needed to feel her lips on mine, so I kissed her. It doesn't seem like she minded much because she kissed back. We were making out in the middle of the hallway. After about five minutes we sadly had to pull away for air. Stupid need for oxygen! It's time to make my move.

"Look Laura, please just hear me out. I know what I did was wrong. I know I messed up big time. I regret it so much. I've tried to change. I've tried to get you off my mind but I just can't do it. These past two weeks have been torture. Whenever I was with another girl in some way she would remind me of you. I miss your lips on mine. I miss your warm hugs. I miss being able to tell you that I love you. And I miss hearing you say it. Honestly I don't know why I kissed her. But I know that it was nothing compared to your kisses. Nothing compared to you beauty. Nothing compared to the way you make me feel. I love you so much. More than you can ever imagine. And I will shout it out to the world if I could but ill just tell the whole school. I, ROSS SHOR LYNCH, AM IN LIVE WITH THE INE AND ONLY LAURA MARIE MARANO! And I hope she feels the same way." I look into her eyes and see tears but there is a slight smile on her face but I can also see the sadness in her eyes. "Well, what do ya say? Will you give me another chance?"

"Ross I......."









(A/N) sorry guys but cliff hanger!!!! Teehee sowwy!!! But anyways tell me what you think! Love ya! Stay sexy!!!



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