Chapter Four

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Laura's Pov:

After that text I had to sit down so I went outside on the porch and sat down just thinking.

This isn't possible. He can't be back. The one guy who caused me so much happiness at the same time so much misery is back. Our relationship was more misery than happiness. I can't even think about it. It hurts too much. The way I loved him. The way I THOUGHT he loved me. I thought he would be out of my life forever. I guess I was wrong.


I turn around to see Ross standing there with a worried look in his face. I just turned back around and stated into space.

"Laura, why are you crying?" He asked but the thing is, I didn't even know I was crying. But sure enough, tears were streaming down my face. I want to tell Ross. I really do. But I don't think I can trust him yet.

"Laura, what's wrong?"

Without thinking I blurted out "He's back."

"Who's back Laura?"

I realised what I said. Did I just open up to him? What am I doing?! Okay maybe I can open up a little. Yeah that's what I'll do. I won't tell him everything just yet. I'm still not sure whether or not I should trust him.

"Don't worry about it. It's just someone who caused me a lot of pain in the past is back and I don't know what to do." I explained trying not to give too much detail.

"Oh" he said.


"Yeah Laura?"

"Do you think we could be friends? Only if you want to. I mean if you don't that's fine. I understand. You know what? Forget I said anything." I rambled on. Why am I rambling? I only do that when I get nervous. Why am I nervous?

He just chuckled. "Laura stop rambling. I'd love to be friends with you." After that we just smiled at each other. "Let's go back to dinner yeah?" He suggested. I just nodded as I followed him back inside the house, but he stopped. What is he doing?

Ross' Pov:

Laura excused herself from the table to check her phone but she had been gone a while. I guess I wasn't the only who noticed because her mom asked me to go check up on her. I walked onto the porch and saw Laura sitting. "Laura?" I asked. She turned her head and I saw tears running down her face. For some reason when I saw her crying there was this pain in my stomach. I just ignored it and tried to figure out what was wrong with Laura.

"Laura, why are you crying?" She didn't answer me. "Laura, what's wrong?" This time she answers but it seemed like she didn't mean to. "He's back." Okay now I was more confused than ever. "Who's back Laura?" It took her a minute to answer me. It's like she was contemplating whether she should tell me or not. "Don't worry about it. It just someone who cause me a lot of pain in the past is back and I don't know what to do." She explained. I could tell she didn't really want to explain any further so I just said "oh".


"Yeah Laura?"

"Do you think we could be friends? Only if you want to. I mean if you don't that's fine. I understand. You know what? Forget I said anything."

She was rambling and I found it quite cute. I just chuckled and told her I'd love to be friends with her. We sat there smiling at each other for some reason. I don't know why. Her smile can light up the world. It's so beautiful. She's so beautiful. What?! Woah Ross calm down you just met her. "Let's go back to dinner yeah?" I suggested. She nodded and followed me back inside but I stopped. "Oh and Laura?" She just looked up at me. "I'll be here to protect you." She smiled widely and we continued in our way to the dinner table.

(Two hours later)

Still Ross' Pov:

Through the whole dinner me and Laura talked and laughed. I felt bad for not including my siblings but at the same time I was happy to just be talking to Laura. They didn't seem to mind. They seemed like they were having plenty of fun by themselves. But now it was time to leave we said goodbye to Laura's parents and everyone was saying goodbye to Laura at the moment. It was my turn so I walked up to her and hugged her goodbye but before I left I had to get her number. "You know, friends usually exchange numbers." I said with a smirk in my face. She had this smile on her face that I've never seen before. It was full of happiness. "Hand me your phone." She said. I handed her mine and she handed me hers. After we exchanged numbers I gave her one last hug before following my family to the car.

Once we got home I went upstairs and took a shower. It was only 6 o'clock so I took my time. My thoughts wondered off to Laura. Her beautiful smile. The way her hair lays perfectly down her back. Her laugh. Gosh her laugh. I love it. I'd do anything to make her smile and laugh.

Ross Shor Lynch. Are you falling for Laura Marano? I asked myself. Maybe I do like her I mean that is a possibility. I just shook my head and got out of the shower. 7 o'clock wow! I took an hour long shower. I got dressed and remembered that I had Laura's number. I decided I should text her.

From: Ross

To: Laura

Hey! Long time no see :)

From Laura:

To Ross:

It's been forever!

I laughed to myself before texting back.

From Ross:

To Laura:

Got any plans for tomorrow?

From Laura:

To Ross:


From Ross:

To Laura:

Great! I'll pick you up at 12

From Laura:

To Ross:

Whatever you say rossy

After that I just smiled and we continued to talk. We talked for hours! We didn't stop talking until 1 am! We were both tired so we said good night to each other. As I lay in my bed I had this goofy smile on my face. Deep down I knew what the reason for that smile was but I didn't want to except it. I fell asleep with that goofy smile still on my face.

Little did he know that little miss 'bad girl' not knowing why, fell asleep with a smile on her face too.

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