Official first chapter

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Laura's pov

What the heck was that?!? Why can't I move? I am frozen in this spot in the middle if the hallway! How does that guy have such an effect on me! I've never seen him before! No! No one has this effect over me. I'm always in control and that's how it's going to stay.

I finally come back to earth in time to see that the hallways of the school are completely empty. I check my phone for the time. 12:45. Great! Just Great! I'm late for class. I know what your thinking. Why does THE Laura Marano, bad girl of Dalton High School, worry about being late for class? Well for your information my next class is music and I love music! So don't judge me!

I walk into class mumble an apology to Mrs. Knight, the music teacher, and head to the only free desk. As I'm heading to my seat I notice a familiar blonde sitting in the seat next to mine.

Ross' pov

Sup? I'm Ross.i just move to California from Colorado with my brother, sister and best friend and I have to say..... The chicks here are smoking hot! Especially that girl I ran into in the hallway earlier. She was something. I was taken back by her beautiful face but I played it off cool. Yeah it's called swag. I gave her a little smirk and headed off to my best class. Music.

I love music! Music is literally my life! I'm actually in a band with my brothers sister and best friend. The only one not in the band is my little brother. He's more into the DJIBOUTI scene.

As I walk into class I take a seat in the middle of the class room in front of some red headed guy. He turns around with this creepy smile on his face.

"Hi! I'm Calum! Are you new here?"

He says in a really cheery voice but he seems pretty chill.

"The names Ross and yes I am. Hey can you tell me something?" I was dying to know who that girl I bumped into was!!

"Sure! Thats what friends are for! What can I do ya for?"

"Can you tell me who this girl is. She has brown curly hair. She's about 5'4 maybe and she was wearing really short" he cute me off in the middle if my sentence.

"Laura" he says


"Laura Marano. That's the girl you just describe. Be careful man. She's trouble. She the 'bad girl' of Dalton High." He warns me finally turning serious.

"Yeah, okay I was just wondering."

Me and Calum talked until the bell rung and Mrs. Knight starts explaining the class assignment today. While she was explaining the door opened and a gorgeous creature Wales through the door mumbling an apology. She walks towards the only free seat, which happens to be next to me, and looks up. Her eyes get big and I smirk.

Laura Marano. Oh this is going to be fun.

New Boy, Bad GirlМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя