Chaoter sixteen

477 17 4

Laura's Pov

I cant believe he did that.... he cheated on me. He told me he loved me. He told me he would always be here for me. After all we have been through. After all the memories. After telling him my story.

I have been at home for the past week. I haven't went to school and I won't answer my phone. I am a complete mess. My hair looks like a troll's, my make up is smeared and I smell like a dead animal. I am sitting here drowning in my own tears. Raini and Rydel came and knocked on the door but I wouldn't answer.

Wait. Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I making myself miserable? you know what? I am done. I am officially done. People thought I was bad before. Ha! Just wait. I am done letting people play with my emotions.

(The next morning still Laura's Pov)

5:45 perfect! Just enough time to get ready for school. I have got to look super HOT today. I am not letting Ross get to me. I'm going to show him what he lost.

I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower and shaved my legs. When I got out I out on my bra and underwear and blow dried my hair. It laid down my back in perfect natural curls. Then I went to my closet and looked for an outfit. I found the perfect one!! I put on some white short shorts, a blue crop top that says swag, and my converse. Next I applied my makeup but not much because I don't want to look like a clown. After fixing my makeup I put on the perfume that Ross always said he liked and looked in the mirror. Perfect

Ross' Pov

Where has Laura been? She hasn't been here for the past week! I hope she's okay. I know it's my fault but I'm still worried. Rydel and Raini won't even talk to me! I'm surprised my brothers and Ratliff will even talk to me. They are still giving me a little bit of the cold shoulder but over all they are treating me decently.

I walked into the school and saw a brunette girl walking towards me. She gave me a flirty wave and I winked back at her. She came up to me and kissed me on the lips and I kissed her back. i pulled away and walked with her down the hallway with my hand on her waist. Oh yeah..... I didn't tell you..... This past week I've..... Changed..... I've dated fifteen girls since Laura walked out on me. I know it's not her fault but I just can't help it. In a way it makes me forget about her. But whenever I kiss someone else I picture Laura, but I would never tell anyone that. Reputations build fast and this past week I've been known as the 'bad boy'.

I walked to my locker listening to all the loud voices in the hallway when everything went silent and I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't pay attention because it was probably just a new kid or something. I just kept getting my stuff out of my locker until I heard a voice behind me. HER voice.









Hey guyyyyssss!!!! Soooo how's it going???? I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately but I hope you like the story!!!! Anyway love ya!!! And Stay sexy!!!!



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