Chapter Ten: Window Jumping is Less Fun Than I Realized

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Lestrade walked up to Sherlock and me. He looked like he was about to speak when Sherlock interrupted him.

"Just give us the file and we'll head to the site."

Lestrade sighs before leaving for a moment and returning with a file full of most likely top secret information for the yard. Sherlock snatched it, flipped through it, took a couple of documents, and handed the rest to Lestrade, never taking his eyes off the papers in his hands.

Lestrade and I shared a look before I left with Sherlock to find another cab. Once we got one, I looked to Sherlock for an explanation he wasn't going to give. So instead, we sat in silence while listening to the chatter of the radio (something about Irish jewelry recovery?) But after listening to the words "valuable" "priceless artifact of history" echo through my ears for around five blocks, I decided to bring Sherlock from his racing train of thought.

"So what's the first one?" I asked. He looked over as if to realize that I had followed him into the cab.

He cleared his throat. "Missing child. Well, if you consider a teenager to be a child."

My eyebrows scrunched together. "So...why are we being directed towards this?"

Sherlock half smiled. "I have no idea. Possibly because said child is from a high ranking military family, possibly because the child held a secret. Something is wrong..."

Before I could ask what he meant, he turned back to the window to ponder. Using my astute "knolege" I could infer that I wasn't going to get anything else out of him.

In around thirty minutes, we arrived on the scene, which just so happened to be a two-story brick house with a perfectly manicured yard with a tire swing dangling a tree in the front yard. It was the type of house you only see in Hallmark channel movies.

Sherlock and I sauntered up to the house (well, he did. I mostly just scampered along) and went in to see police crawling everywhere like bugs. Sherlock paid no heed and immediately made his way towards a couple, a woman with tear-stained cheeks and a man with a build and expression that was carved out of stone.

As soon as Sherlock had approached them, they averted their eyes and folded their arms even tighter. This was going to be difficult...I think...

Okay so maybe I didn't know anything of what was about to happen but I can still guess?

"Excuse me," Sherlock said in a sugar-coated voice that did not belong to him. I resisted the urge to give him a look of skepticism. "But are you Mr. and Mrs. Harper?"

"We've already answered to the police, sir," the man said, obviously not impressed with Sherlock's façade.

"I'm not with the police, actually." Sherlock held up his hands in mock surrender. "I'm Sherlock Holmes."

Okay, what? Honesty? This man never ceased to surprise me.

The couple seemed to be surprised too because their guard dropped, if only slightly. They knew who he was. "Very well, Mr. Holmes," the man said. "What would you like to know?"

Any signs of sweetness dropped from Sherlock's face. "How many children do you have?"

"Three. But I don't see how this is--"

"How many of them are adopted?"

There was a pause at that statement as I looked between both the couple and Sherlock. "All of them. Why does this--"

"Your daughter, Michelle, was it? Who are her biological parents?"

"We-we don't know," Mrs. Harper said. "They--the adoption agency--intended to be very discreet about the information on the biological parents."

"One more thing. Where's Michelle's bedroom?"

"Upstairs. But Mr. Holmes I--"

Sherlock smirked before dashing through the room and up the stairs.

I turned to the couple and could swear that I got whiplash. "Sorry. He does that. Thank you for your time."

I caught up to Sherlock, who was now examining the floor of a bedroom that was covered wall to wall in the brightest shade of pink I had ever seen. (Did this girl never get headaches or did she just swim in strawberry jam?)

"What're you looking for?" I said, closing in on the man.

He stood, mere inches from my face. I felt a hot rash spread over my skin as I met his gaze. His eyes were blue...wait no green...wait no brown? Something that was all of those but none of those.

Now I was just getting cheesy if I'm being perfectly honest.

"There's no sign of struggle...the window is open..." I could catch some of the phrases Sherlock was muttering. His eyes were a million miles away.

And he was still incredibly close.

"Sherlock..." I said. "Personal space?"

He seemed to snap back into reality, turning away. But I could catch a flush of embarrassment growing on his face, making me smirk.

Without a glance behind he said, "Don't wait up."

He then jumped out the window.

"THE HELL SHERLOCK?" I ran to the window to see Sherlock running through the yard before jumping a fence. I sighed, but when Sherlock reached the top of the fence, he looked back at me.

"We haven't all day," he shouted. "Just jump! It's fine!"

I wondered briefly on the future of Sherlock in a Mental Hospital, before looking down. It wasn't that high...and there were bushes...

Taking a deep breath, I jumped before I could change my mind, I pulled myself out through the window.

Worst. Idea. Ever.


A/N: You know, I hate leaving it on a cliffhanger except...I don't.

Sorry for the late chapter. Things have been crazy lately and keeping up with my schedule is getting harder.

Also, I created an Instagram for this Wattpad account, but I have NO IDEA what to post. Any ideas????

ALSO ALSO I've been thinking that after this book I could create something similar in nature, but for Hamilton instead of Sherlock. What do you guys think?

Anywho, hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!!


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