Chapter 22: Cold

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Warning: Grafic reference of murder.

MY EYES FIXED on the girl in front of me, replaying the words that just rolled off her tongue. I was angry, yet my body was still. I held my place. Still hunkered down infront of the petite girl on the bed.

How did this happen? How did Noah see us? I'm sure the only time he saw Lydia was during the dinner the other night, but iy wasnt visible. But how did I not expect something like this. He's always been a rat. How could I have been so stupid?


Of course.

That son of a bi—

"Aiden?" I snap out of my thoughts to her voice. So soft. So sweet. So beautiful. I some how couldn't get enough of her. Her beautiful lips that I miss kissing. He soft, silky skin that I miss touching. And her eyes.

Her eyes.

They held so much worry and concern. My body tenses again as my mind trails back to Noah.

That mother fu—

"Are you okay?" Her voice is music to my ears. She reaches out and grazes my cheek with the back of her hand. I close my eyes, enjoying her touch. Opening my eyes, my fingers wrap around her wrist. Gently pulling it towards my lips, placing a small kiss on the back of her hand. A light smile pulls upon her lips making my stomach flip.


This girl...

Will be the death of me.

"I'm okay, Princess." I reply. "But I'm gonna have to get my hands on that bast*rd" she slightly nods but stops and frowns.

"You're not gonna kill him, right?" I uncontrollably laugh at her, but when she does not smile I realize that she was serious.

"I don't know, Princess. What do you think?" I stare at her waiting for an answer.

"I don't know. Have you ever killed someone?" Her innocent eyes bore into mine and for a second I felt like a monster. She's so innocent, pure, and beautiful. While I was a whole other thing. I am a disgusting murderer, criminal, liar and so many other things that I wish I wasn't.

I always did it because I had to. But looking back. I did not have to do anything, I had a choice, and I chose wrong.

"Well, Princess." I started. "I don't think you want to know." A look of hurt flashed in her eyes.

I reach for her hand and look deep in her eyes. "I'm sorry." It left my lips in a whisper. I kissed her wrist and stood up. I did not want to let go. But as my steptoe inched towards the door her hand fell back to her. I left the room, closing the door after myself.

I sighed and made my way to my room, I have to train everyone ealy in the morning.

Thinking about it, I might aswell have Noah shed off some extra steam. A wicked smirk plays on my lips as I look at the mirror I'm my room.

"Game on, Noah."


I stood in the middle of the gym, waiting for my men. They never came. I was slowly growing impatient. How dare they not show up?

I have been here since six. Six in the morning. An hour later and I stared waking around, doing reps, exercising. I waited for someone to walk in, but no one. Not a single soul. I was furious.

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