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Levi's Point of View:

Ah, I took a deep breath in, smelling the sweet tantalizing air. My lungs had ached from the hot temperature of Hell. No one liked Hell, least Demons. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone. I thought had I been forever lost, left to tend to Lucifer's feet. I shivered, recalling the time I spent in Hell.

Not to worry, Sarah had saved me. The only downside was that I was currently in Vayne's body. Who, had poor hygiene and rarely ate. He was so pumped with drugs, that when I first got into his body had to go on a severe cleanse. It was baffling to me how Humans didn't seem to take care of their bodies.

It wasn't always like that. Humans used to treat their bodies like they were temples. People used to spend hours, meditating and praying and only ate fruits. It had been a simpler time, one I thoroughly enjoyed. Oh well, no use in thinking about the past. I stood up, looking for Sarah. She had this terrible habit, that I had forgotten about, about disappearing.

The house was huge, considered a mansion. I wanted to lay low, stick to Hotels for a few years until Cornelia and the others forgot about us. If history repeats itself, like it had the past three hundred years, Corn would die before she turned twenty-one. Then, Sarah and I could ride off into the sunset. Apparently, I was the only one that felt that way.

Sarah wanted revenge.

She didn't like being bested by anyone, especially Cornelia.

"Sarah, darling?" I called into the abyss. We were in a little town in Pennslyvania. The scenery was beautiful, so much history here. I walked down the hallway, passing by the owners of this house. They laid on the ground, paralyzed by a spell Sarah had cast. She wanted to kill them, but I told her we didn't need a string of bodies, showing everyone where we were.

Thus, the paralyzing spell. It was unfortunate but better than death. When we left, we wiped their minds and they wouldn't remember the torture they were facing now. Sighing, I found her outside. She wore a long, billowing white dress. She was wearing a girl from the Cult, Thana? It didn't matter, I still saw her as the girl with wild red hair and eyes so green they didn't seem real.

She sat on the deck, her hands extended up in the air. She was working on magic. I knew better than to interrupt her, but I couldn't' take my eyes off her. She made magic look effortless. Her hands moved towards her and as she did this a deer slowly walked towards her. It was a small one, not quite a baby though.

I inched forward. She still didn't know I was here. She repeated this process until more animals joined her on the porch. It was captivating how nature bowed to her. There were squirrels, possums, raccoons, frogs, snakes, deer, foxes, and so much more. They surrounded her, not breaking focus. When she raised her hands, they followed. When she lowered her hands, they lowered their gaze.

She completely controlled them, the first part of her gift.

I had seen her do this many times, in fact, the first time I met Sarah she was calling animals to her. I had asked her if she was a Siren because like the animals, I had been drawn to her. The sound of her laugh had been blissful. I still was unsure if my infatuation with her was part of her power. I was a Demon and a lot of people would say my kind was animalistic. We were a form of parasite, needing a host in order to survive in this world.

Especially now, after Cornelia and her family vanquished me, so had my original body. It didn't help that Lucifer hadn't been interested in letting me leave Hell. It was a long story. That was all in the past though, Sarah had brought me back. I snapped out of my dreams, which only hindered my abilities.

There was even a bear that had started walking towards Sarah. It never ceased to amaze me how she could control so many animals at the same time. She had such a natural ability for power. Even when I first met her, she had recently found out she was a Witch. I met her in London, in 1688. We had been inseparable. Well, when her husband wasn't around.

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