Mishal firmly grabbed her by the forearm, his hands quickly channelled his white era that pains every organism he wants to fight

But his power discontinued once he realized it was his friends who enter the cave "it's fine April those are my friends."

"Oh it's just mee-mee." Hill started

"Mimi?...are those pathetic humans your friends?" She wings her sword to point at them a hint of disgust rubbed her body subconsciously "Yeah, well um hi my name is Camila and that's-"

"The name is Hill, anyways what are you doing here Mally?" Hill pays little to no attention to April and focused on mishal

"Hanging out with a friend." Truthfully he said as he wrappers his arms around April

"It's April."

"Okay, cool. Now get out." The black haired woman clenched her jaw all while trying her hardest not to punch hill junior

"Hill!" Called out Camila warning him about

"What, it's private property, my property." He reasonably stated his eyes stared at the old shelf of books to looked extremely aesthetic

"I respect your bravery but you are a fool for treating a lady-anashi like that." She was about to cut Hill's face with her majestic sword when mishal pats her shoulder relaxing her a little

"Anna sushi what now?"

"Anashi!" That struck a nerve she was about to fight when she realized the man standing in front of her was a kin. A really powerful one

But the others were just some powerful Hin that are equally powerful as the Jin. Little did they know she was a warrior

The king's right hand approach Hill Caressed his cheek wanting too measure how much power does that kin has

Her vains stung black that escalated with her removing the now burned hand "you are extremely--"

"Handsome I know."he cocky spirit made all who was in that room glare at him, his narcissistic behaviour clearly getting on everyone's nerves

"Your intuitive power will only make your enemies fathe ineludible." She whispers while softening her eyes "You have your father's eyes you know that." Mishal and Camila looked at each other both holding the same look on their faces

"But my dad's eyes are gray..."Hill pointed out the obvious

"Not the colour but the way it reflects your spirit." She spoke while seeling her sord "Ho-ow did you knew about my dad?"his voice unnoticeablely cracked feeling a bit tense his pores became to full, wanting the truth to be revealed he tapped his foot

April looks behind her to were she was standing before the man she now bonded with her eyes softened farther more "I was his wife once upon a time." The women in white unveil while slightly rocking




Each said in a different tone, Camila's being the highest and Hill having his voice darken

"Explain, like now." He sneered while forming a fist 'could it be' he thought while clanging his jaw

Mishal frowned feeling envious never did he thought he would feel that way towards a girl it's crazy he new her for some days' I'm I crazy or is what I'm feeling is love?'

"There is nothing to explain about, we divorced about two centuries ago nothing less nothing more."

"Did you have any-- what are they called?-- kids?" Panic slowly slipped through the wall Hill build in his mind craking pieces of its already crumbling bricks he held the wall all together with a red ribbon of hope that slowly slipping away in each day passes

"No." She walks over to mishal. She didn't even glance at Hill not wanting to see those starkling eyes of his

"Okay hold the fucking phone, so she just told you she was married to your dad like hundred years ago and that's the first question you ask!?" Camila screams with the ' are you actually okay' face

"Cami, calm down." Mishal laughed out

"How old are you anyways?"

"1.433 × 10^12 seconds." She replied in a tone of honor

"How high was your SAT's results?" Hill mumbled to himself while rubbing his eyes

"Hey, um mimi what's a phone?" She whispered into mishal's ear

"I'll teach you later."

"Well I am to go it was nice to meet some of you goodbye." She runs inside the cave into the cole darkness that illuminated the sight of her

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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