Chapter 3: Watchful Eyes

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No ones POV:
To say that there was a wave of paranoia among the various members of the crawler would be a large understatement. After the reveal came up that they were being followed, they all kept their guard on high alert while also trying to go about their daily jobs as best as they could. Samson kept the crawler moving along at a steady speed while always keeping his head on a swivel in front of him due to the vast amount of high rock formations around them, due to the fact that they could all be used as roadblocks or to better yet crush the crawler with the size of them if anyone say fit to do so. Anderson remained in the engine room for the most part making sure that the crawler was functioning at its best while on the lookout for any potential problems that could arise. And Shimla was doing her absolute best to lighten everyones mood by continuing to be cheerful and happy, even cracking jokes here and there which did succeed in staving off any tension that was going around, even though she would not admit she was just as tense about this situation as they were

You personally were going about your daily routine while resting on top of the crawler which was arranged on the way that it was comfortable. While it was exposed and did not have much of a setup, you had managed to move some things up there regardless.(Picture your camp setup from Chapter Two but take away the fire and that's how it is. Because I'm so creative you'd think I were five •_•) While the crew were all tense and on guard, you were completely relaxed about the situation, even though it was a unnerving one. Yes, you were being watched by a gang of bloodthirsty, merciless killers, but you had faith in the crew that you could make it through this with your lives.

Your POV:
I looked down at a tattered map in my hands of the area and proceeded to think to myself  'Alright, the area that the people we are on our way to is around here' As I pointed to a point on the map. The problem was that in between the current location of the crawler and that point was a large rock formation that was too steep and rigid for the crawler to go over  'And there are a few ways to get there, and both of them are dangerous. We could cut through the canyon to the left, but it's very steep on the sides and has lots of hiding spots. And on the right path it goes along a cliff face that has a tight overhang with barely enough room for the crawler.' I take my eyes off the map and survey both pathways a distance away with a pair of worn out binoculars as I finally make a decision. I reach over and use the crawler radio and call down to Samson.

Samson POV:
I don't this at all.. not one bit. Were being followed by a band of killers and at the same time trying to rescue people that might be already dead... but there's a change that they're alive and need help, and we should give them that help. I'm abruptly pulled out of my thoughts as I hear the radio screech. I lean forward and take the radio from it's position to the right of the controls and pressed the switch on the side and keyed it and held it up to my mouth. "This is Samson, go ahead" Y/N replied though the radio in a scratchy voice do to the wear on the radio, "Hey Samson. I think that our best option is the path on the right." I stopped to think for a moment to myself before replying, "Are you sure about that Y/N? The path in the left is wider" Y/N replied "Yes and more open too. The path has a lot of overhangs where all sorts of possible hiding and ambush spots are. The right path is tougher to navigate, but it's also not exposed." I take my hand off the key button and let out a light sigh to myself. Even though I am in charge of the crawler and I get the final say, Y/N is the best Scout I know and I trust his judgement. I press the button again and say, "Alright then, right path it is. Get back down here. There's no point in staying up there with the kind of space we're going though" After telling the plan I click the radio off and start to maneuver the crawlers legs towards the left path as easily as possible.

Well it's certainly been a very long time since I've updated this story. I've been so busy with school and home life that I've kind of pushed it into the background but I'm committed to continue updating it and I'm going to! Also I apologize if the chapters are short I'm still working on the plot, but once I get the plan down the chapters will be lovely <3
Until then, Kart out

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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