The creature seemed to feel that something had changed and froze, fear momentarily warping its features as it instinctively realized its end was near. It didn't last long. It was no prey, it was the alpha and it wasn't used to be scared. It roared, its amber eyes flashing with anger and defiance as it recklessly charged at her like a bull.

She waited till the last moment, then like a skilled juggler, she jumped, effortlessly doing a somersault over it. The creature's twisted mouth opened wide, a look of real shock passing over its face. Sensing the danger, it tried to stop, but it was moving too fast. 

Dia felt a strange sense of triumph when her claws sunk into its undefended back and that seemingly unbeatable monster folded in half. While it was still squirming, its body desperately trying to repair the damage she'd done, she climbed over its back, jerked her clawed hands to its throat and sliced it open with a scream of delight.

The enemy was gone, but this time Dia didn't have to wrestle for control with her other-self. She retreated on her own, apparently sated.  Gradually the colors turned less vivid, and waves of exhaustion hit her at once. Dia was still trying to catch her breath when she heard someone clapping.

"What a marvelous show." Gibson sounded awed, "Now that I've seen you in action, I have a completely new understanding of your abilities. "

"Glad I could amuse you." She growled, and the other creatures, who were getting bolder, stepped back a little, deterred by her fury.

"Now, now, don't get grumpy." Gibson gently rebuked her. "This is just a little price to pay compared to what you're getting in return." He said suggestively.

When Dia stayed silent, he sighed, mumbling something about her lack of curiosity. She didn't hear any of it. All her attention was focused on the strange ball hovering in the air. The droid was much smaller than the Oculus she had seen on Daxum, maybe just a bit bigger than a baseball, but the resemblance was there.  It was projecting his hologram in the air.

 "Anyway." Gibson, who was just done yapping at her, continued. "I wouldn't linger if I were you. Follow the remote." When Dia didn't move, he added, "Unless, of course, you want to stay with them."

Dia eyed the monsters warily. The only reason they weren't attacking her yet was that they were scared of her. Unfortunately, she couldn't deal with them, not anymore. She straightened herself and fought another wave of exhaustion, trying not to show any weaknesses.

"I knew you'd make the right decision."

Gibson's inherent smugness was starting to get on her nerves, but Dia had no time to waste on him. It was taking all her strength just to stay upright. On top of that, the horde was still stalking her. While she followed the remote through the hallway and into a turbolift, she could feel them breathing down her neck, waiting for her to make a mistake. She couldn't help but sigh with relief when the elevator's door closed and those creatures finally disappeared from sight. She tried to catch her breath, but as soon as she leaned against the elevator's wall, her legs caved in and she found herself sitting on the floor. She was so tired that even the thought of standing made her back ache.

I need a dose.

She reached into her pocket, noting with relief that both the Spice's vials and the inoculator were still intact. Then she bit her lips, shooting a quick, furtive glance at the remote. It was still hovering in the air, but it hadn't moved since they entered the turbolift.

Maybe is it saving energy? She hypothesized. And Gibson always chats nonstop, but now he has gone completely silent.

A little voice warned her not to lower her guard, but as her addiction took over, all her restraint disappeared. Convincing herself she was right, though she lacked evidence to corroborate her assumption, Dia fumbled in her pocket for the vials, inserted one into the inoculator and wasted no time before injecting herself, struggling not to moan as the Spice kicked in. Curling up in a corner, her eyes rolled back while that sensation of bliss wiped away every conscious thought.

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