~Chapter three~ Names Faces and A house party

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So once Hunter and I were pulling in the parking lot we found the rest of the team all waiting outside for us leaned up against their cars. I get out of the car and say" Awe look at that there is such things as men being gentlemen, kind, and patient. Wow I'm impressed."

The whole team bowed all together and I laughed and said" Well why thank you I feel like a princess in one of those fairytales my mother always read to me when I was little." When a young tall blond headed player comes up and says " May I?" and extends his hand out to escort me in to the restraunt. So I oblige and take his hand as he says " My name is Kyle Black and Hunter's best friend." And I smile at him and say" Chloe Brooks and I'm Hunter's pen-pal from Paris and I'm a international supermodel."

Kyle stops mid stride and stares at me which makes me laugh because normally guys just try to play it cool when I mention that I'm a international supermodel and then excuse them selves and then freak out, but he freaks out first and it was kind of amusing to see the even a cocky guy like him could be shocked to silence.


Once I get out of the car I hear Chloe talking about gentlemen and being kind and feeling like a fairytale princess. Then I see my best friend walk up to her and offer her his hand like some duke or a prince. I scoff at him because he's trying so hard to get her but she truly isn't even giving him the time of day or even a hint of interest towards him.

Then I hear him tell her his name and she in return gives him hers but adds I'm Hunter's pen-pal from Paris and I'm an international supermodel. As soon as Kyle hears her say " International supermodel he froze mid stride in shock and just stares at her while she just laughs at him shamelessly.

I walk up to Kyle and Chloe smiling and saying " Well it's either she told you that she was not in to you like you are her or she told you that she is and international supermodel or both." and I look at Chloe and she smiles and says " I told him I was an international supermodel and he wasn't getting the hint that I'm not interested in the cocky, ignorant player typed guys such as himself." and then grabbed my arm and stayed by my side for the rest of the night. Even as we sat down and as the guys introduced them selves to her one by one saying" I'm Cain Test. I'm Brandon Keel. I'm Trevor Cain." So the only one who didn't introduce hisself was Xavier Maize but we all just left him alone knowing that later on he would introduce hisself when he felt like he could trust her.

So after we ate and she paid for our food we left and since it was only 7:00 o'clock a few of us decided to go watch a movie. When we see and hear Xavier say" I'll pay for Chloe but no one else." I look at him but he's looking and smiling at Chloe then I hear her say "Ok then boys what movie are we going to see?" I look at Kyle then Cain to Xavier and then back to Chloe and said " Maze runner sound good with y'all." And Xavier and Chloe say at the same time "Sounds good with me now let's go." Just as I'm about to grab Chloe I see Xavier grab her hand and pull her towards his motorcycle and smile at her and hands her his helmet and she puts in on. She waits for Xavier to get on and situated before fearlessly getting on behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist just a few minutes before he takes off.


After diner Hunter, Kyle, Cain ,and a guy I call Mr. Mysterious and myself included decide to go to a movie when out of no where Mr. Mysterious says " I'll pay for Chloe but no one else." and I look at him he's built like a football player, tanned skin long wavy black hair, emerald green eyes and a perfect white smile. Then I say " Ok then boys what movie are we going to see?" And I see Hunter look to Kyle, Cain, Mr. Mysterious and then back to me before saying " Maze runner sound good with y'all?" and Mr. Mysterious and I both say " Sounds good with me now let's go."

I look at him and he smiles and grabs my hand and pulls me toward his Yamaha motorcycle and hands me his helmet just as I say" I don't need a helmet I'm very careful but not to careful to the point I'm scared of a nice piece of machinery like this." I hear him laugh so I look up and see him smiling at me, but still makes me wear it so I put it on and wait for him to get on the bike and settled before getting on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and then he asks " Are you ready Chlo. " and I say " Yep let's leave them in our dust." He laughs and says" yep I like you... I like you a lot." and then he takes off heading towards Carmike cinema.


So as we are eating I can't help but look at Chloe because she's beautiful her hair is long brown and wavy, blue-gray colored eyes, slightly tanned, and was a perfect cross between curvy and goddess especially with her wearing what she was wearing which was a leather cami, dark blue jeans, and a pair of heeled biker boot which was a perfect match with what I was looking for in a girl. She was getting to know the guys but I wanted to get to know her with out the other guys butting in so I stayed quite and listened to my team mate ramble on for an hour and a half about family, hobbies, pets, and just random everyday life. Then once every thing was paid for we all headed for our cars when some of the guys said that they were going to the movies so I took this as my chance and said that I'd pay for Chloe. and then the we all agreed on the movie Maze runner and I grabbed Chloe. She surprised me by her basically saying that she was careful but not fearful of motorcycles and that she didn't need a helmet because I wasn't expecting a daredevil to cone from Paris so I laughed and smiled at her and got on my bike and waited for Chloe to get on, and once I knew that she was on and was holding me I asked" Are you ready Chlo?" Then she says " Yep let's leave them in our dust." I laugh and say to her "Yep I like you... I like you a lot." and then I take off towards Carmike cinema. I only slowed down for stop lights and for a few slow drivers but once I passed them we were flying again and before we knew it we had reached our destination. I turn off my bike and allow Chloe to get off first before I did and turned around to see Chloe flip her hair and shake it out which I felt as if I should be the one to protect her and I vowed to do just that.

" So Mr. Mysterious will I ever get your real name or will I how to keep calling you what ever comes to my mind?" I hear her ask so I turn around and say " Yes you will get my name, my name is Xavier Maize." Once I told her my name she smiled and said " Wow a sexy name for a super hot guy nice." I looked at her for a few minutes before saying " Well that was a breath of fresh air I've never meet a girl who was so daring to speak her mind nor call me sexy or super hot to my face." And she hands me my helmet and says " Well you just never looked in the right places for that kind of girl then have you Xavier."

I looked at her as she looked at me as if taking a picture of me then said " Why in the world was I stuck with thin and muscular when they could have found guys that were worth hanging off of right here in Alabama. Where the guys are built like wrestlers and hot like the Sahara." I laugh and shake my head at her and she smiles at me and I grab her waist pulling her closer to me and say " Yep were going to have to watch you and keep you safe from the wrong guys that will want you, and I'm the leader of this supermodel protection program." she laughs and turns around and says " Ok then you can be who ever you think you need to be Xavier. Because I defiantly not going to tell you what you can and can not do if you feel lead to do so." , and with that she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me,so I hug her back which brings her flush with my chest. Then I pull away and say " I have a question to ask you." "Ok what is that?" " Where in the world have you been hiding Chloe?" and all she said was " Paris."

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