I would definately make him pay and the end result would be grand. I knew luck would be on my side for this one, so at night, as I tucked myself in bed, because I still did that, I looked up at the ceiling, closed my eyes and prayed that I'd get this, and I prayed with my entire heart on this.

I'd sleep that night with a slight little smile and my fingers crossed, I wouldn't jinx this.

But maybe I just did.


I wiped down the kitchen counter with a clean rag and put that aside. I had just finished clearing the counter tops and now had nothing to do. I tried going for a walk earlier, but I just ended up walking past Jackson's, I was so down. My life was filled with so much disgrace and anger and I just hated it. The café really was my only success and happiness and without it, I felt so worthless. Like no matter the amount of years and planning could ever get me back to who I was.

Kaylee decided to stop by, she brought in some groceries for some reason and decided to cook... she can't cook.

Now when she usually did this, it often meant she was having problems with Mike, her step-dad. She had gone on and on about how her mother had made a mistake and that that fool was making her life at home miserable. I understood how she felt. I had had the same problem with my own guardians when I was younger and less qualified for any suitable job, and the truth with it all was that there was nothing I could do, they knew better at that time and that was all that mattered, even if I had been angry, I always knew my limits. I knew where I stood.

Moving on, she was in a terrible mood and I had tried to cheer her up. I was really selfish in this, I had used Gary to cheer her up, in truth I was just using this as a distraction because I really wanted to forget about feeling so hopeless. She left my house pleased with my advice, but she was still a wuss, I knew she wouldn't do it. Even if Kaylee had great self-confidence in herself, she was still a scaredy-cat infront of Gary or any attractive guy.

I tapped my fingers on the counter tops in boredom. There really was nothing to do around here. After a few seconds I decided to watch tv. I was making my way to the lounge room when the front door bell rang. I stopped in place.

I don't remember inviting anyone over.

I thought this over and over as I walked closer to the front door. Maybe it was just the kids from next door pranking me again with ringing the door bell and then running away when I'd answer. I seriously don't get how that's fun, in my opinion it was just a waste of time, even as a child when I'd see other children doing it when I did get a chance to mingle.

I placed my hand on the door and exhaled slowly before I twisted the handle and opened it to see who had rung the bell.

Bell... the café had a bell.

"Not now." I muttered to myself grumpily. Don't think about the café.

Who I saw at the door surprised me. It was a young man, possibly a few years older than I with thick bushy eyebrows.

"Miss Belle Kristofferson?" The man asked with an unimpressed look as he gave me a once over, seeing me in my stained shirt and old faded blue jeans, clearly looking unflattering.

I cocked an eyebrow back at him and answered, "that's me."

He extended his hand out, holding an A4 sized envelope for me to take. I took it and checked the front of it. In bold print was Cullen Corporation. This had me curious. I looked back up to ask the man what this was, but was left with no one, as if there really was no one there. Well so much for a goodbye. I shut the door and turned to go into the lounge room.

The Billionaire Counterpartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें