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Dippers POV~~~~~~

I heard Bill yell my name a few times. No one opened the doors. Ford finally came back with a book

" I think I know whats wrong with Bill" He said looking through the book

" What is it" I said

" Well if its what I think it is then you have to risk getting injured to get him back" Ford said sadly. I looked at him confused

" What is it. Ill take the risk I just want to get him back" I said determined

" You need to speak to him. You need to make sure he listens to you. You need to be firm, remind him who he really is" He said stern but sincerely

" Ok ill do it. I need to get him back" I said determined

I stood in front of the door and listened to what ford was telling me

" You could bring back a memory that is un forgettable. Or something only you two know" He said explaining what I could say to bring him back. I nodded and took a deep breath in and out. I opened the door and closed it behind me

As I walked out the house I didn't see anyone just the forest. I walked to the edge of the wood floor as I looked around. Soon I heard a noise then I saw Bill daggling from the small roof just a few inches away from my face. I felt my face heat up

" Pinetree~" He said happily but also a hint of maniac

" B-bill?" I said stuttering. His had a big smile but it soon turned to a frown

" Whyd you run away from me" He said. I saw him get down and grabbed my wrist tight. He looked at me confused

" Pinetree you know I just want to show you love. Why do you run away" He said whispering in my ear in the end. I felt a shiver down my spine as he told me that

" I-" I was stuck. I forgot what I was supposed to do. I looked down as I felt him kissed my cheek. He snuggled his head at the crook of my neck as I thought about what to do. He still had a tight grip on my wrist so I could escape this time. Then I got and idea

" Bill" I said calmly

" Yes" He said

" not you. The real Bill" I said slightly angry

" I am Bill" He said calmly

" No. Not my Bill" I said. I grabbed his wrist and pushed him back. He walked backwards until his back hit a tree. I stood in front of him both of us not letting go of the others wrist. I didn't let it stop me and I hugged him the best I could. He let go of my wrist and stood there in shock then hugged me

" Bill do you remember when you took me back to the lake and it was just the two of us. Alone" I whispered to him

" Of course I do. I wish we would have gone farther though" He said whispering in my ear. I felt my face heat up

" Remember when you told me only if I wanted to we could. I remember telling you that I didn't feel comfortable yet to do it and you accepted my choice and said you would wait for me" I said

" Even if it took me a life time" I added. I looked at him and he looked at me. He only blinked at me

" Remember when you asked me out officially after a few days of our accident" I continued

" When you kiss me I cant resist but melt into it and I loved it because it would always be sneaky or just us two alone having another great memory. But now for just these moments you've clearly changed. In this few moments I feel more loved but its not what I want. Its not the way I want but rather yours. And I know I might sound stupid or just me trying to get out of this but I really loved the way you did things back before you turned to what ever this is. I just want my old Bill back" I said spilling my thoughts. I told the truth. I didn't dare to look at him though I kept my eyes on the ground

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