Chapter Eleven

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"Tell me ya didn't actually invite 'im?"

Genji looked over at his coworker, looking surprised. "It said we could bring a guest, did it not?"

Jesse stares at him, a look of disbelief on his face. "It's a wedding party, that Dad - I mean, Boss is hostin' for me and my fiancé and I... An' you wanna bring him?"

The Asian rolled his eyes, leaning against a nearby wall, near the back enterance of their workplace. He watched as the southerner swiped his keycard. "Well, I don't even know who your fiancé is."

Color rushes to his cheeks and he cleared his throats, pocketing the card. "You'll... find out at the party."

An eyebrow raised. "So you're throwing a huge wedding shower for the person you love, but I can't bring the person I'm into?" The Shimada pushed the back backdoor open, just barely holding it open as the other followed him out. "What's the deal with that?"

"Maybe 'cause we're actually datin' and you're just moonin' over 'im."

Genji froze, tuning out everything around him - the scuff of shoes, the beeping of carts, the dragging of boxes. All he heard was a distant ringing in his ears and the rushing of in them. He exhaled slowly, then inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself. "Maybe not..." He turned around. His voice was calm, but his gaze was harsh. "But we clearly have some kind of connection. And if I want to try and strengthen our bond by inviting him to this party, then let me."

Jesse searched the other's face for a moment, his eyes softening. "Genji, I didn't mean it that way-"

He shook his head, holding up a hand. "I... I need a minute." He pushed past the cowboy, letting their shoulders knock. He made his way out of the building, ignoring his coworker's desperate pleas.

The door shut with a soft thud and he leaned against it. A shaky breath escaped his throat as he looked up at the brightening sky, tears dancing at the edge of his vision. "Is that all this relationship is? Me being a lovesick puppy? Does Lucio even like me as a friend?"

The tears started to flow as his thoughts ran wild. Desperately, he rummaged in his pockets for his wireless headphones. He shoved the buds in his ears and started his playlist. He closed his eyes, waiting for that sweet music to take him away.

Instead, silence.

Confused, he turned his phone back on. He hit the volume key, turning it up. He heard the song very faintly, but could barely make out what it was. His Bluetooth was trying to connect to millions of other devices nearby.

"Great..." he thought bitterly, a fresh stream of tears rolling down his cheeks as he yanked the earbuds out and slid down the door until he was curled up on the ground. Minutes passed before the college student got himself together enough to go back inside.

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