Semi Finals

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Yep everyone was busy ... too busy to notice the four demons or former demons who were watching through the opening before the dog nin closed the door ...


"What do you mean we left the door open?"

Naruto yawned and carefully slipped out from Kakashi's arms before walking out of the room to find Kiba with Akamaru, "What's wrong?" He asked as Shino came out rubbing his eyes sleepily with Minato behind him.

"Akamaru said we left the door open last night when we were ..." Kiba's blush said everything.

Shino let some insects fly out of him and they inspected the area outside the hotel door, "Calm down ... if anyone saw anything then it would only have been Kurama, Hiei and those wind and ice demons from the last fight ... it's no big deal." mumbled the sleepy insect user.

"But I don't like the thought that someone outside our marriage was watching." whimpered an embarrassed Kiba.

"I don't think that is the case." yawned Minato as Shino went back to bed.

The saiyan raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I'm pretty sure they like you ... they might make good mates." whispered the hokage so he wouldn't wake anyone up. Naruto didn't think about it before, but he decided to look more carefully as he kissed his mates. Kiba calmed down and they went back to bed ... except for Naruto who went to see the match that would decide their next opponent ...


Kurama and Hiei left earlier to see the match that will decide their next opponent, but they didn't expect to see Naruto standing on the balcony that overlooked the ring, "Hello Naruto, where are the others?" asked Kurama.

The blonde smiled, "They seemed really tired so they slept in." A blush spread across both Hiei and Kurama's faces as they remembered the intimate moment they accidentally witnessed and neither were surprised that the blonde's mates were tired.

The fight was done before the other half of team Urameshi even showed up, "That was too fast to get much information." grumbled Hiei

Naruto nodded, "Yep ... oh well, this makes things more interesting."


The saiyan looked up and saw Toya and Jin, "Hey, how are you guys feeling?"

"We're fine. Our injuries weren't too bad." said Toya.

"I'm glad ... did peeping in on me and my mates help with the recovery?" Naruto shot them an amused smile as all four fighters blushed.

"So y-you know about that ... we didn't mean to!" exclaimed a very embarrassed Jin.

Naruto smirked, "It's ok. No one will have a problem with it, but ... " He leaned closer to them and said, "the only way that will happen again is if you become my mates." The suggestion made their hearts skip a beat. Naruto looked up when he saw Yusuke and Kuwabara coming towards them. "Hey, you guys missed the fight."

"What?! But it only started a minute ago!" exclaimed a stunned Kuwabara.

"And it took less than a minute you idiot." muttered Hiei ticking the human off.

Yusuke sighed, "I told you not to stop and talk, Kuwabara."

Kuwabara huffed, "What kind of guy would I be if I just walked by Yukina and not say anything? That would just be rude."

The saiyan noticed Hiei flinch at the news of this woman, "It doesn't really matter. You didn't miss anything that would be helpful."

"Great! I'm going to find Yukina!" said Kuwabara as he ran off not realizing Hiei was glaring daggers at him.

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