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"Well ... Mike is one of the fastest dragons you can find ... so about two days." Naruto said as Kakashi and Obito borrowed some clothes.

The ninja were shocked, "TWO days! It took us six weeks to get here!" Naruto chuckled ...


It was late at night. They've been flying for a day so they stopped and made camp near a riverbank. Kakashi immediately took a bath to remove any trace of those vile bandits. Naruto only had one tent so he gave it to them. Obito was out like a light the second his head hit the pillow, but no matter what Kakashi did he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about Naruto and ... what almost happened to him. The copycat ninja finally gave up and went to sit by the fire.

When he stepped out of the tent he saw Naruto sitting next to the fire. The blonde looked at him and smiled, "Couldn't sleep?" Kakashi nodded and sat down next to Naruto. "Me neither, but your friend doesn't seem to have a problem."

Kakashi blinked and looked at Obito who was fast asleep and somehow managed to roll out of the sleeping bag, Kakashi chuckled, "He always was a heavy sleeper ... it's nights like this that remind me how close I came to losing my teammate."

Naruto turned to him and waited for him to continue. Kakashi looked at the fire, "... 10 years ago a demon fox attacked my village and it looked like we were all going to die ... but something intervened ... a massive ape with red eyes and black skin ... me and my teammates were in some cliffs near the village ... the cliffs collapsed ... a-and Obito was crushed when he pushed me out of the way ... we thought he was dead, but the ape came out of nowhere, removed the boulder and healed him ... the ape saved him and 3 years later he saved my other teammate who was kidnapped by enemy ninja ... I can't help but be thankful ... Obito is alive and our teammate is getting married. I'm forever indebted to that ape." (WHY am I telling him all this?! ... Sure he saved us ... and I feel like I can trust him somehow ... but I only just met him!) Kakashi mentally yelped.

The silver haired ninja didn't see Naruto smile, "I'm happy for you. If you see the ape again you should try meeting him without the mask."

Kakashi blushed, he forgot he was stripped by bandits and didn't even have a mask, "Ummm do you have anything I can borrow to cover my face? I don't think anyone will know who I am without something on my face ... how did you know I wore a mask?"

Naruto shrugged, "The slight marks on your face and no I don't have anything, but there's a village not to far away that might have something. We can stop there before we leave ... although, to be perfectly honest, it's a shame to cover your face, but with a beautiful face like yours in a ninja village there's bound to be security issues I guess." said Naruto who completely missed Kakashi's entire body turn bright red.

(He thinks I'm beautiful! ... why am I blushing like a genin kunoichi with a crush?!) Were the thoughts of the copycat ninja with mismatched eyes.


The next morning Naruto showed Kakashi where the village is and the silver haired ninja left to get a mask. He found something similar in red and bought it with some money Naruto gave him.

"I must remember to pay him back." muttered Kakashi as he left the store. Kakashi put on his red face mask and entered the campsite. He saw Mike stretching getting ready for take off. He saw Obito drying his head with a towel, but no Naruto.

"Hey Kakashi, looks like you found something to cover your face, you know you can't tease Minato-sensei about looking like a girl when you have a face like that, right?" Obito laughed.

Kakashi twitched, "S-shut up! Where's Naruto?"

"He's taking a dip before we go."

They heard a splash behind them and turned to see a dripping wet and naked blonde, "You guys ready to go?" asked the blonde. The two ninja just nodded because they were to stunned by Naruto's hot bod to say much of anything. Naruto was riddled with lean, toned rock solid muscles, he had broad powerful shoulders, and had an enormous cock. In other words, he was smoking hot! The silver haired ninja also noticed a scar on Naruto's left shoulder.

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