Chapter 1

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                     I feel the cold wind blow through my hair as I move my feet swiftly on the wet pavement. I love to come here when it just rained. Everything looks like it's reborn. I love the sight of people with umbrellas and the sound of feet on the autumn leaves.

I start running because it started raining again and don't have an umbrella. I usually wouldn't mind getting wet but I had on my good dress that I only wear to conference meetings. I was planning to go back to the stupid conference from work I ran away from but since I got wet I suppose I should go home.
My boss is going to be mad I ran away but I don't care. I couldn't listen to the blabbering of that old man anymore.

It started heavy raining. Great.
I can't run faster than this in heels. Should I just call a taxi home? There's no point, it takes me less than 10 minutes to get home.
I trip over my own heel and fall into the arms of a strong person looking down on me. I'm embarrassed... I bumped into some tall guy with... awfully beautiful ocean blue eyes.
I get back up, apologizing to him... How did I fall into a stranger's embrace?
I hear him say something as I clean my dress, so I look up.
— Are you okay, miss?
— Yes! Yes, yes... I wasn't... looking! I'm so terribly sorry, sir!
— No, it's okay, he says. He looks concerned but then, his eyes look so confused and he looks almost as if he recognizes me from another life.
— Well, thank you... I should go now... thank you for...
I look into those blue eyes and suddenly I remember everything.
- Joey!
I jump in his arms and wrap my hands around his neck. He still smells the same as he did 10 years ago.
His crystal clear laugh rings and he says with his now deep voice:
- Taylor! Oh, I missed you!
- So did I! I can't believe it's you! You've grown a beard! Wow! And you look so mature! This is a miracle! Joe, how are you?
I can't stop smiling! Well, this is Joe. He makes you happy just by appearing in front of you. I can't believe my best friend is standing in front of me. When he moved to England when we were 17 I thought I'd never see him again, and now he is standing smiling beside me.

- Let's go somewhere warm first and then I'll tell you everything. You'll catch a cold here in this heavy rain. Why don't you have an umbrella with you?

- My Joey! You haven't changed at all! Well, except you're taller and you have a beard. And British accent! I never thought I'd witness this!
I tease him. He smiles and takes my arm and I lead my best friend to my NYC apartment.
The rain stops and the sun comes up. We both smile as a rainbow appeares on the now crystal blue sky.

The Miracle: Best Friends but Lovers: a Taylor Swift fan fic by ZHWhere stories live. Discover now