Gone(Hollowheart) PT.2-Imagine 11

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The sun seeped into my vision, but I didn't care. All I could think about is finding Enoch. The only person that made me feel like I was worth it- worth living.

Putting my jacket back on, I walk out of the small cave to see I was in a forest. Not the good kind, the fucking really creepy kind with branches sticking out, looking like arms, and creepy noises making it sound like someone was following you. That's the type of forest I was in.

"Enoch?" I called. I called his name for hours, but nothing replied. Only birds flying from trees and bugs crawling on my skin. But I didn't care. All I cared about was finding Enoch alive.

"Enoch! Fucking answer me goddamn it!"


Strolling further into the woods, I hear screaming. Not any old screaming- my fucking boyfriends screaming.



I search for hours, but cannot find the source. That is, until I get grabbed by my ankles.

Looking behind me, I see a bear trap, nearly cutting through my leg, Enoch tied up at a tree, silent tears falling down his beautiful face.

"Enoch. We will be okay," I smile, feeling myself go unconscious.

And then I saw nothing.


5 days later, Enoch was safe, and Jacob was dead.

It was his funeral today. Enoch was absolutely fucking dreading it.

After so many years of not showing emotion, and he's going to start crying in front of everyone.

"Miss P., I can't do it. I can't get so emotional in front of everyone. I can't do it. I'm sorry," He rambles, slowly crumbling to the floor.

"Enoch, I know how hard this will be for you. But, Jacob wouldn't want you to hide anymore." The Bird starts, placing a hand on Enoch's shoulder, "I know he would want you to be you now, not the mask you show yourself as."

"Okay.." He trails off, standing back up.

Time to show them what I'm made of.


a/n- have fun lol.

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