My Favorite Flavor Of Popsicle - 35

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"Is this some sort of joke?!" Tom whined looking into the freezer as Tord shrugged. "Popsicles and ice-cream are so similar Tom, calm down." Tord was for once the one not getting or understanding the reason Tom was so hesitant. "I don't want to have a popsicle..." Tom mumbled while unwrapping one, verbally contradicting himself.

Tord sighed and shut the fridge to sit on the couch while Tom ate. Well... you don't really eat a popsicle... you lick it and suck it. Haha. Are you understanding why Tom doesn't want one now? He uncomfortably lifted the popsicle to his mouth, Tord watched closely. "Why aren't you eating it?"

"Fuck it." Tom admired it for another second before putting it in his mouth, waiting for some dramatic response from his boyfriend, but he just shrugged. "Wait really?" Tom paused quizzically. "What?" Tord just stared and snickered. Tom licked the popsicle while looking Tord in the eye. "Why are you being weird about this?" Tord mumbled while watching Tom's tongue.

"What a mundane activity to make sexual Thomas!" Paul chanted from behind, causing Tom to freeze up and blush. "THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS TRYING TO AVOID!" He squeaked out before Tord pulled him back and into his lap to pet him. "Just east your popsicle Tommy!" He convinced the boy.

Tom was able to face Paul now as he ate the popsicle, purposely shoving it down his throat just to mock the Scandinavian father. Paul just grinned and changed his gaze to Tord, seeing him just staring at Tom in pure awe. "Tom don't... don't choke yourself..." He said quietly in amazement. ... What a good day today is?

Finally, an hour later, the tone left behind from the entire popsicle encounter had drifted away, leaving the two to talk in living room, 9PM with the stars already out. "So Tom, you don't have a gag reflex?" Tord brought up casually, making Toms shiver from PTSD and trauma before shaking it away again. "Well do you know that video of that man shoving a bread-stick down his throat all the way?"

"Uh... no?!" Tord stammered, wondering as to where this would go. "That was me. And I regret it highly." Tom turned to the camera awkwardly. "Anyways, do you have any weird... talents?" Tom giggled happily and held his head up with his hand, elbow on his knee. "I can speak Norwegian."

"Well other than that?" Tom huffed and changed his position to seem more hostile and intimidating, I wouldn't question it. "Jeg vil knulle deg til du skriker og gråter, da huden din bløder mens du lurer og stønner er min favoritt ting." Tord smirked, but for some reason Tom did too. "I had the google translate microphone on, hah!"

"Fuck." Tord leaned over to look at Tom's phone, staring at it a little disappointed while Tom was practically screaming in embarrassment by now. "Hm, It was supposed to say whimpering and moaning..." He mumbled in confusion but Tom covered his mouth with his hand. "Shush!" He looked at Tord with angry eye's, the aggressive trait immediately disappeared and turned into fear instead though.

Tom froze up, something that was happening to him quite often when he was embarrassed or worried. Tord waited a moment before gently grabbing Tom's wrist and moving his hand from his mouth, taking his own time before finally gathering words. "What was that Thomas?" He asked in a very serious voice.

"Y-you were embarrassing me!" Tom moved his arm away and huffed with slight attitude. "And so you thought it was okay to cover my mouth and yell 'shush' at me?" Tord continued. It was the most scary voice of his. Not anger, or sad, just so serious and demanding. It was only scary though because Tom liked it in more than just a happy way.

"S-sorry Sir..." Tom looked down and held his knee's, feeling guilty immediately. Tord felt the same thing only seconds after. "It's alright Tommy." He held the boy close and nuzzled him warmly.

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