Chapter 1

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Prince awaited outside on the doorstep of his mansion. The air carried a cold chill that made the young inkling shudder. A continuous trickle of rain fell down, quenching the thirst of the garden flowers that spread out in the huge front yard. Every breath that escaped his mouth appeared in a small cloud that vanished seconds after appearing. Prince glanced up into the cloudy gray sky, lost in thought.

"Where is he?" The inkling thought to himself.

He was getting impatient, but just thinking about Goggles made his heart race and filled him with excitement and anxiety. He considered canceling the meet up altogether, but he knew he had to have courage and faith in himself. He was snapped out of his wonder-like trance by the sound of the mansion gate opening and approaching footsteps.

"Priiiince! It's me, buddy!"

That happy voice brought a wide smile to Prince's face and gave him butterflies in his tummy. It was Goggles. He ran towards the mansion's front entrance, a jacket draped over his head to shield him from the assault of cold wet bullets pelting from the sky. He finally reached the doorstep, where he and Prince stood face to face. Prince got lost in Goggle's deep blue eyes and his face felt hot. Thank goodness it was cold out, it made his cheeks rosy enough to hide his admiring blush. He shook himself free from his love-driven trance and broke the silence between each other. "You must be cold! I started a fire and I'm gonna make us some hot chocolate!" Prince said, with a beaming smile on his face. Goggle's face lit up upon hearing what Prince had prepared for him. "Really? That sounds great! Let's head inside!" Prince nodded and turned around, opening the door and stepping aside to let his close friend in. Goggles smiled and happily skipped inside without hesitation. Prince smiled warmly and followed behind him, making sure to shut the door afterwards.

"Have a seat! I'll go fetch something for you." Prince said before walking off into a different room. Prince made his way into his room and opened the closet, pulling out a large soft blanket. He made his way back into the living room, where Goggles was sitting on the couch that laid a short distance away from the fire. Above the fireplace was a flat screen TV that was attached to the wall. Prince walked behind Goggles and draped the large fluffy blanket around his shoulders. "I know you must be cold, so we can get comfy under this!" Prince blushed at his own words. The thought of snuggling up with the person he loved the most made his face hot and he quickly trotted out of the room to fetch the hot chocolate. While he fixed their cups, Prince made sure to add extra marshmallows to Goggle's cup. He finally sat down next to Goggles on the couch in the living room, handing him his cup of hot chocolate.

"Yippee! Extra marshmallows!" Goggles squeaked happily. Prince smiled warmly at him. "And extra love, too..."  Prince muttered to himself. He wrapped the blanket around himself and used the remote to turn on the TV. Of course, the first show that popped up was about romance. The two squids sipped from their cups as they got lost in the show. One of the main characters was talking about doing anything and everything for the one they cared for, and Prince couldn't help giving Goggles a longing look through the corner of his eye. He was willing to die for Goggles, and he wished he knew it...

A yawn escaped Prince's mouth. The comforting feeling of the blanket accompanied by the hot chocolate made him sleepy. "You sleepy? How about you nap in here by me so we can keep warm?" Goggles said enthusiastically, with a wide innocent smile on his face. Prince's heart raced and he could feel blood rushing into his ears. "O-Of course." Prince fumbled over his words as he struggled to keep his cool.

"Alrighty then, just lay on me!" Goggles said, beaming. Prince edged closer to Goggles nervously and rested his head on Goggle's chest. He could feel him lay further back to get comfy. Prince could feel Goggles wrap his arms around him. Goggle's warm embrace and the steady rise and fall of his chest slowly coaxed him to sleep. It all felt like a warm soft dream to him as he drifted off to a sound slumber in the arms of Goggles...


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