The unexpected gift - Part 3

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Lately DaomingSi had been very busy with his new project. Meeting after meeting with possible investors, taking care of every detail. Thank God he counted with his friends' help. He was putting of his effort on it. But it didn't matter how busy his schedule was, his thoughts were full of her, her, the reason why he was doing all he was doing.

His heart beat faster as he got closer. He was really anxious, he hadn't seen her in one entire week, he was desperately walking, almost running towards her apartment. Shancai had given him a key so he coult get to her place whenever he wanted to. He unlocked the door and entered. 

His eyes were looking for her and couldn't help but worried a little bit as he didn't find her awake. Shancai was a morning person. She was fully awake getting ready for her day since six a.m., so he got surprise when he caught her still sleeping.

In fetus position, gripping a pillow tightly. He could say by her facial expression she wasn't having a pleasant sleep. He got near and kneeled so could see her face, he gently removed the hair from her face and caressed her cheeks with his fingertips provoking her to wake up. 

That was all he needed to encourage himself. She was his vitamin. Her eyes slowly opened, and a smile was drawn on her face as she noticed him. He stretched his had to her, she took it and made herself in a sitting position. He looked at her adoringly, with so much love.

"I missed you baby" he said while kissed the palms of her hands tenderly.

"Baby" her smiled faded as she remembered her big revelation last night. Tears started to dropped. AhSi panicked seeing her like that. He had no idea what was happening to her. 

"What happens baby?" He asked worried, but he couldn't stop her crying so he just hugged her till she calmed. 

She gently pulled him away and looked for his eyes."AhSi, oh AhSi" she said disconsolate as her tears threatened to come out again. He was so confused, he didn't know what happened to her and was afraid to say something that make her collapse again.

Anyway he had to think in a way to make her speak out. Knowing Shancai, he had to choose his words very well. He gently cup her face and tenderly looked straight to her eyes. 

"Shancai, love. Can you please tell me what is happening? I don't like to see you like this. If something is worrying you I should also know so we can get a solution together. 

Her face fell. Shancai knew she had no option, she had to tell him. She couldn't hid this from him, she literally couldn't do it. Sooner or later he was going to find out. She had to speak know. She took courage and breathed deeply before facing him.

"DaomingSi", she said as her voice was shaking. "I'm, I'm.." she babbled. "Do you remember how sensitive I have been these past days? I hadn't felt good and that's why I decided to....." She shyly looked at him, but it seemed that her tongue entangled and no more words came out from her mouth.

He noticed her nervousness. She played with her hands, thing she usually did when she felt uncomfortable. He gently put his hand over hers to stop them. 

"Shancai do you trust me?" He asked with a serious face. She sadly nodded. "Then, you should know that no matter what is what you have to say, I'm always going to be by your side" he added. 

Shancai couldn't hold it anymore. She know she had to tell him, she had to trust him. She wasn't talking about any other man but DaomingSi. The same guy who chased her till win her heart. The same guy who fighted against all odds for their relationship. The same guy who had showed his devotion and loyalty toward her, uncountable times. The same guy who loved her with all his heart even if she couldn't understand why. 

She stood up and walked towards the bathroom. When she came back she brought an artefact with her but he couldn't see what was, she tried to hide it . She sat again in the same place she was before. He looked at her with curious but was interrupted him by her voice.

"DaomingSi, I know all what you're doing, it's not only to save your family. I know it's also for me, for us, because you choose me. I know making that decision brought you consequences and I will never get tired of being grateful everyday for having you in my life, thankful that you never gave up on me" She said as she broke in tears again.

She nervously stretched her hand, her tremble tiny hand and let him see the artefact she was trying to hide before. His eyes widened as he realized what it was.

A pregnancy test.

Shancai was anxiously waiting for his reaction. He was stunned, speechless, dumbstruck. Tired of no having a reaction from him, took her hands and shaked them.

"AhSi", she murmured. "I'm pregnant. We're having a baby. Why are you saying anything?", she said nervously.

Her revelation made him waking up. AhSi looked at her with a confused expression. He took the test and looked at it. Two pink lines.

Her baby was pregnant with his baby.

He couldn't believe it. A huge smiled invaded his face, he suddenly jumped and hugged her.

"Shancai", he said with his voice cracking. "You have made me the happiest man in the world. We're gonna have a baby! We're gonna be parents! This is my dream come true! We're gonna be a family. I love you, I love you so much. Thank you". He said sobbing. 

Shancai turned his hug back. She smile and the tears came again. They were like that for a moment. When they let go, AhSi gently wiped her tears with his thumbs as Shancai reciprocated his action. They looked at each other adoringly and smiling.

"Aren't you angry? disappointed?" She asked shyly. His eyes frowned. "What would I be angry or disappointed?", then with a soft voice he said "You just gave me the best news of my life. My baby is growing inside you. Our baby", he said as stretched his hand to carres her stomach. She smiled and cupped his face to give him a peck. 

"Hey, what did you mean with angry or disappointed? Why did you think? That I wouldn't be happy with our baby?

Shancai hesitated for a moment but then she said "You're so busy right now, and you already have so much to do. I didn't want to give you another thing to worry about". 

"Are you kidding me?, you and all that it has to do with you, it's my priority", he said seriously. "And now that includes this little one that is growing in you". He said with a grin as he hugged her while his palm was over her stomach.

Shancai felt so relief for AhSi's reaction. She felt so stupid to even thought that he wouldn't be happy. But now other thoughts invaded her head.

"AhSi" she said with a soft voice. "What happens my lovely girl?, he murmured, with his eyes closed as he was still in his state of happiness, hugging her.

She gently pulled him away. She needed his absolute attention. "What are gonna do? How are we gonna tell our parents?" She asked with concern. "The wedding is scheduled within five months!! My stomach is gonna be enormous by then!!" 

AhSi couldn't help but laugh. "My baby", he said as he gently pinched her cheek. "Our parents are going to have to accept it. I know they may not want things this way for us but there's not much to do about it. And we can move the wedding up. 

"What about the university? I haven't finished it yet!" She said "I'm barely starting my third year". "Shacai there's not a problem at all, you still can do it online when the pregnancy is advanced". He said confident. 

That's what she needed it. His confidence, the way he assured her that everything was gonna be ok gave her strength. It seemed that all her worries miraculously felt less heavy.

Suddenly he took her chin, pulling her face close to him. He gave her a kiss in her nose. "Shancai, my angel, I've missed you", he said looking her at her eyes. He tucked her hair in on her ears. "I need you" he added softly.

Shancai couldn't help but giving him a smile. What else she could do, she loved this man so much, she had missed him desperately. "Are you trying to seduce me? Mr. Wang? She asked playfully.

Then her lips touched and after that they lost themselves in one another.

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