I like her

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This could be how Ah Si realized he likes Shancai.

"It's impossible" he said, sitting at the edge of his bed.

How can the Great DaominSi be interested in a girl like her?

He is a Demigod. Girls die for him. If he wanted he could have the girl he wanted at the moment he wanted.

But why is this girl the only thing in his mind since the moment they crossed words for the first time?

He wanted answers, he needed answers.

He started to pointed all the reasons why it would be ridiculous for him to like her.

First, her physical appearance. She is so short, she also is a tomboy, not feminine at all. She have big round eyes and oh my God! How many moles did she have on her face? Is that normal?

Second, she is poor and not elegant. She doesn't have manners and she doesn't any filters in her mouth.

Third, her bad taste. How could she not like him? How can be even that possible? She must be crazy for sure!

"Yes!" He continued repeating. "It's impossible for me to like her." As he fell asleep, convinced that he had came back to his senses.

-----next day-----

Ah Si had just finished his morning class. He was in his way to the bridge room in company of the F4.

They were crossing the campus when their leader stood still.

There she was, Shancai. The girl who practically had declared the war against him.

'She looks pretty', he thought. And he hated her for making him think that.

She was wearing a pair of jeans and a pink sweater. She had the same hairstyle that the last time he saw her just with the difference that it was tucked behind one of her ears.

She was with that annoying lame guy friend of her and it seemed that she was having a good time since she was laughing so hard that he was able to hear her. And he hated her for that too.

How could she be smiling in front other man?

"Ah Si, what happens?" Asked Meizou, trying to figured out the situation.

"Nothing" he answered. And continued walking again.

-----some hours later-----

Shancai had finished her classes. She was ready to go to her part time job. She was going downstairs mean while she was thinking in how amazing it had been the morning for her. But the best of all was that she hadn't had to see that smug stupid boy.

Si hadn't been able to concentrate in the bridge practice so he angrily left. 'Why can't I stop thinking about her? She's so annoying', he thought while he was going upstairs.

They met halfway. Though She was one step up, he was still taller than her. Her eyes were at the height of his lips. She looked up and then their eyes met. They where practically face to face.

He took advantage of the situation and started to study her.

He was mesmerized. He could hear her breathing. He could smell her shampoo. He noticed the color of her eyes, light brown. How big her lashes were. She had a natural pink color on her cheeks, a total of five beautiful moles on her face and one of them was located perfectly under her bottom lip, and he wasn't able to not to let imagine how soft her lips must be.

She felt his glare.

"What are you looking at?" She asked nervously.

He didn't react so she pushed his arm softly.

"Hey. I'm talking to you", she exclaimed.

He finally seemed to wake up.

"What do you want" he pouted.

"Nothing", she shouted. "You're so weird", she murmured.

She went down a couple of steps and he grabbed her by her wrist.

"Hey, what are you doing?", she asked irritated.

"Is that lame guy who's always with you, your boyfriend?", he asked with a angry tone.

She looked at him confused.

"Are you talking about Qinghe? He's my bestfriend. Don't you dare to do something to him", she warned.

He couldn't help but feeling happy with her answer.

"Don't tell me what to do", he said with a half-side smile on his face and let go her hand.

They went in opposite directions.

-----at night-----

He was sitting in the same position at the night before and thinking in the same person.

'It's getting worse' he thought

'But maybe it's not what I think it is. Maybe is all bc I hadn't hanged out with girls in a long time. Yes! surely that's the reason why'

He stood up, took his coat and went to the only place he knew he could get one.

He entered to the club. It was a place he clearly knew but not one which caused him pleasure to visit. He appeared in front of two of his friends.

"Ah Si", said Meizou and Ximen in unison.

"I thought you said you weren't going to come here anymore" said Meizou.

"Well, I felt like coming", said Ah Si with a cold voice.

As soon as he sat, girls started to got closer. A woman sat next to him. She had a beautiful long hair and she was wearing a sequins minidress so her long legs could be appreciated. She started to play to get his attention.

The woman was having a hard time trying to make him to look at her. Until it seemed that she'd got it. And when she was getting closer to his face... Shancai's smiling face appeared. He tried to ignore it. The woman kept talking to him but he seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

Shancai's face kept appearing. He kept thinking in their earlier met. He couldn't stop. He couldn't even if he tried his best. But that was the problem. He wasn't even trying in not thinking about her and it seemed that he finally was realizing.

"Ah Si... It seems you don't want to be here, you should go. You're killing the mood" said Ximen trying to annoy him.

Ah Si hesitated for some seconds, then he stood up and with a serious tone said:

"I like her".

Ximen and Meizou turned to see each other confused.

"Who do you like?", asked Meizou.

"I like.... Shancai and I like her a lot".

He flushed at the realization. Then he left, leaving his friends laughing and mocking him.

He came back to his house and laid on his bed. A big playful smile invaded his face. He couldn't wait next day to see her. Now he only needed to think in a plan, a way to make her to like him back.

'It would be easy' he thought as he fell asleep.

Ah Si didn't know, but winning her heart would be the most difficult thing he'll ever do in his entire life.

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