I Give Up

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All of them flinched.

The most annoying almost-monkey waited with the air that the decision was already decided, the people in the clearing gasping and shouted all together as he watched. And it seemed, somehow, that this possessed man was taking to meeting the great and fierce Kyuubi no Kitsune with all the pleasantries that it took for a daily occurrence between good friends.

Kurama didn't remember ever extending his fist in friendship to this little shit.

"No- no way." A random human in armor with pink hair stumbled as the human next to him dropped his weapon in shock. And just like that the rest of the crowd descended into a loss of hope- all of their voices joining together in a sympathy of despair.

"There- there was another one all this time. Seriously!"

"What do we do? What can we do?"

"There just no way!"

"This- this is insane..."

"How many does this guy have lying around?!" The tall woman-thing screeched over the other humans that were yelling among themselves, before shaking her head over and over.

"No no no no! If this thing know where Elizabeth is!" Lifting her fist higher as she roared, spreading her gait out as she braced for the fight coming, whipping her pigtails around with a snarl, "Then we are just going to beat the information out of that too!"

The blond thing stillhad not moved, and Kurama turned his gaze away to take in  the giant girl-thing.

Well, at least that human-ish girl had spirit left. He could respect that, especially after he rips off her arms and est them.

So, in respect  of an opponent he would fight, Kurama finally turned his head to face them completely, towering over the clearing as his shadow cast far enough to cover up parts of the city behind the ruined castle. And, as he pulled his gums back and let his tongue roll out the side of his mouth-

He gave them his best smile.

And he got a reaction alright.

"Fuck! It looks like that one too!"

Kurama watched bemusedly as the tall silver haired human thing of the group all but howled, suddenly rushing forward with a flash of a silver weapon spinning through the air, bolting head first toward the enormous fox with a scream of unholy rage.

Which finally seemed to snap the blod creature out of its broken shock.

"No! Ban Stop!"

Kurama tilted his head to the side, making his eyes as wide as possible, in the most innocent and curious gaze he could as the silver haired thing roared and jumped, sending his attack straight towards Kurama's face and chest.

Only for Kurama to reach right over him-


-and slammed his hand down with force on the black and white possessed nit wit they'd originally been fighting

"Huh?" The silver man stared behind him blankly as he continued to sail through the air.

The split second it took from the silver haired man to throw his attack and the blond thing's scream, the half breed had already been sent far into the ground.

Which was only half a second before the three out of the five non human's still standing shouted in surprise as the ground under their feet buckled at the force, humans flying in every direction as stone and dust blew back from his hit in every direction.

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