End of a busy year

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"Knew that !" Then he patted my head and left. Wait a minute,how did he get into our common room?

"Hey Fred,How-" he walked out before I could finish. What an idiot.

I skipped to the great hall cheerfully and plopped myself next to Cedric.
"Hey guys!" I greeted.

"Hey queenie!" Noah and Sam said at the exact same time.

"Creepy bro!" They looked at each other menacingly.

"Stop copying me !"

"No you stop!"

"Oh my days just shut up already!" Lauren shouted quietly.

"Soz babe." Sam swung his arm around her shoulder.

"Cedric why aren't you speaking,your freeking me out ,after all, your the talkative one!" I exclaimed

"Well I'm just a bit sad really." Well that just made me sad.

"We'll send letters to each other every now and then and we can hang out!" I reasoned

" I s'pose ." He muttered.

"Aww just gimme a hug!" And I wrapped my arms around him. He tensed up but then awkwardly wrapped his arms around my waist!

"Oh come on, Ced ... we've hugged before!" He pulled away sheepishly.

"Yeah I know..."

"Whatever." I brushed it off. "Anyway, what are you guys doing in the summer?"

"I'm going to Hawaii!" Lauren said excitedly.

"Cool! I'm going camping with some old friends." Sam boasted.

"Hm fun, I'm going to France to visit my family." Noah said with a bored expression.

"I'm just hanging out with a few friends." Cedric glumly said.

"I'm gonna go visit some cousins in France too! Maybe I'll see you there Noah !" I was going to go visit Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour,my Veela relatives on my biological mothers side.

"Which city?" He asked

"They live in Paris!"

"Oh mine don't ."

"Oh well..."

We chatted loudly for the rest of breakfast and then parted our separate ways.


Time to pack!

Folded up all my clothes neatly and took down my decorations. Then I carefully placed them in my trunk.

I walk to the bathroom and took all my skincare products and shoved them at the side , I put all my school books on top and closed my trunk.

Andd Done!

I checked the time 3:45 we had to be at the station by 4:00 . I walked out to the common room and waited for Gracie and Katie.

They finally made there way down and I checked the time again. 3:50.

"Come on guys we're gonna be late!" I moaned. And we rushed to the station in time. We hustled onto the train and into a carriage near the back . Soon after Harrison joined us.

"So what are you ladies doing in the summer?" Harrison asked.

"Visiting cousins in Paris." I said simply.

"Nice! How 'bout you Gracie?"

"In America."


"China, well Hong Kong to be precise . Then I'm coming back after four weeks. How about you Harrison?"

"Just going to Germany!"

"Ooo we're all going somewhere fun!" I squealed.

The cabin door opened and the trolley ladies head poked in.

"Anything from the trolley, dearies?"

We all went to the door
"Two chocolate frog please!" Harrison asked and sat back down with his sweet treat.

"Um I'll have a pack of Drooballs and exploding bonbons." I ordered and payed then sat down once again.

"Three chocolate wands please!" Gracie payed then sat next to me.

Finally Katie ordered ,
"A peppermint toad and a sugar quill please!" Then the trolley lady pushed her cart to her next destination and the door shut with a loud click click.

"I'm gonna miss you dorks." Gracie announced .

"Yeah I'll miss you guys too!" Katie said after she finished her sugar quill.

"Me three!" I chipped in.

"Oh don't Go soppy on me now!" Harrison complained!

"Just cause you don't have any friends babes !" Katie joked.

"Babes?" Gracie wiggled her eyebrows. I burst out laughing at her expression.

"Oh I was joking! You know that!" She smacked Gracie on the shoulder lightly.

I looked at Harrison and doubled over in more laughter.

He looked like he just saw Voldemort come back to life , fart , then die again!

"Oh loosen up Harrison!" You two have been dating for MONTHS!"

"Oh shut up nerd!"

I stuck out my tongue at him childishly.

Before I knew it I ,the train arrived at King's Cross station.

We hugged and said our goodbyes then parted ways.

I spotted my loving mum and dad and ran to them and attacked them with hugs.

Time to go home

Word count:1162
I'm so so so sorry guys for not updating quickly!
From now on the updates will be quite slow. I am aiming for roughly updating once every one or two weeks!
Again, so so sorry!

But on the happier note. Thank you guys so much for 1k reads!

I'm so so grateful, I love you guys!

Signing off ~Star 💫

Say my name |Cedric Diggory x reader (under editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu