This is my pack, not yours

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I sighed and looked over my land. I didn't want those old ass men here telling me how to live my damn life. I am an Alpha, my pack respects me, no one is ever put down, we are one of the strongest packs out there, and we are also one of the most peaceful packs. Do they know how long it took for me to even earn my packs respect? I became Alpha at such a young age and no one had even taken me seriously. I have worked hard for my spot and I refuse to lay down for another man to take over. This is my domain and I refuse to let anyone take it away from me. I get that he is my mate but that doesn't give him the right to take over my damn pack. He doesn't even know how we run, nor the schedule we run on. Not to mention this pack is all I have left of my family. My father ran this pack and my mother loved this pack. To give this up to someone because they're my mate is not going to happen. I will fight for my pack no matter what. I took a deep breath and walked back into my room. "When will the elders arrive again?" I asked my beta, while sitting in front of my vanity.  "They should be arriving tomorrow. What are you going to do Vee?" She asked looking nervous and concerned. "Don't worry about it, I'll figure something out. For now please inform the high school that school will be canceled today, then please inform the rest of the pack that the elders shall be arriving tomorrow. So assign then chores to do. Please make sure that the guest cabins are cleaned and dust free. I'll call over Alpha Marcus and we will discuss the issue. Please let me know when he arrives and bring him to my office. Also please have Lucy bring up some snacks. I have a feeling this is going to be a long meeting." I said brushing my hair while thinking. I knew this wasn't going to be an easy visit, but at this moment I need things to get done. "Yes Alpha." Jessica said while closing my door. I looked at my reflection before deciding on my look for the day. (hair/makeup below, outfit up top)

This look would be good enough for all the work I had to do today

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This look would be good enough for all the work I had to do today. I sighed and slipped my converse on before heading down the hall to my office. I had pack treaties to look over, food budgets, school budgets, events to plan, and now I have to prepare to deal with the old geezers. This is not my day. I sat down and pulled my phone out. "Siri, Call Alpha Marcus." I said to my phone. "Okay, Calling Alpha Marcus." Siri said back before dialing his number. "Hello Vee. How can I help you?" He said after picking up. "Hello Marcus, is it possible for you to join me for lunch? We have somethings to go over before the Elders arrive tomorrow." I said while opening up my desktop. "Of course. What time would you like to have lunch?" He asked politely. "If you're free now, that'd be preferable. If not then in an half an hour or so?" I said while reading an email from the school board on expanding the library. "I'll be right over." He said quickly. "Alright. Just let Jessica know when you arrive and she'll bring you to my office. I'll see you soon." I said before hanging up. I looked at the sun shining through my balcony doors. I decided that lunch outside sounded amazing. I logged out of my desktop and grabbed my work laptop. I walked on to my balcony and sat down at the table out there. 

I logged back in, just in time for Marcus to arrive

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I logged back in, just in time for Marcus to arrive. I heard a knock on my office door and went to open it. "Thank you Jessica." I said while letting Marcus in. "Hello Marcus, would you like to join me on the balcony?" I said while leading him to the balcony doors. "Of course. Now what is it that you'd like to discuss?" he said right as Lucy brought in some stuff for us to eat. I smiled and quietly thanked her before she disappeared. "What are we going to do about them because I'm not ready to step down from being Alpha." I said looking him in the eyes to show that I'm serious. I could feel the fire burning in them because of my love for my pack and position. This is my pack and I'm not ready to let it go so easily. I refuse to be lower than him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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