Another day in the shit hole

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So as normal I walked to the office to greet the new kids. I'm so used to it that the office already except me. I walk in to hear them groan and look at me expectedly. "Good morning everyone!" I said with a smirk. "Good morning Alpha Velonica. Are you in trouble yet?" They asked me. I just laughed and looked around to see a huge group of kids. Ah! Fresh meat! Muwahahaha! This will be fun. "Not yet Nacy....wait for it...and now!" BOOM! "Veloncia!!!!!!!" We all heard. Oops! I laughed harder before getting into my alpha role. "Alright newbies. Form a line. I will need to asses you to find out where you will belong in this school. You too Alpha Marcus...  although I don't know what you look like yet." I said while watching them scrabble into a line. I smiled while watching them.....until a smell came wafting to me. Ooooooh mate!!!!! Mate! Mate! My fox said while jumping around. I groaned and waited until they were in line. I walked down the line looking at all of them. Until I reached a cutie. He had brown hair and eyes with very kissable lips. His smell was delicious! I mean a guy that smells like the rain and the forest? It was perfect. I heard him growl the word mate. I just winked at him with a smiling before strutting down the line. I could feel his eyes on my ass as I walked. I smirked and mindlinked to my beta.

Jessica....bring me Monica and Jason.

Yes V.

This is just another day in the shit whole.

Kiss my ass AlphaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt