Texting : Seokjin's pov

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Cutie300 : Namjoon
Me : Seokjin
In text

Me : Hello

Cutie300 : Who is this?

Me : Seokjin.

Cutie300 : Really?

(Chuckled)Me : Yes, really

Cutie300 : Why didnt you text me last week?

Me : Sorry. I lost your number for a while but I found it :)

Cutie300 : Oh okay

Me : Can I ask you a question?

Cutie300 : Okay, sure.

Me : Do you remember ever doing anything bad when you were younger?

Cutie300 : Why?

Me : Just curious.

Cutie300 : Where did this question come up at?

Me : Idk just a random question

Cutie300 : Alright. Well, I would always drink then do some pretty messed up stuff. I stole from a church, robbed a lot of stores, threatened to kill people.

Me : So you do remember.

Cutie300 : Yeah I guess so. You still like me after I told you this right? I really have changed.

Me : Of course I still like you.

Cutie300 : Good.

Me : Can I ask another question?

Cutie300 : What, are we playing 20 questions now?

(Smiles)Me : Can I just ask the question?

(Smiles)Cutie300 : Of course.

Me : Do you remember anyone by the name of Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin?

Cutie300 : Yes, I do.

Me : So when I told you I lived with them, you didn't freak out?

Cutie300 : No I didn't freak out. I've made mistakes in the past. Trust me I regret them, I really do. I'm quite glad you live with them actually. Hoseok and Jimin may hate me now. But I really have to apologize to them for what I did.

Me : You should come over. Bring Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Mujin with you, if you'd like.

Cutie300 : Sure, why not?

Me : Meet me at my house at 3 : 00 PM. This is my address,

Cutie300 : What day?

Me : How about tomorrow?

Cutie300 : We'll be there :)

Me : :)

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