Red Velvet OT5 | Foreign Attraction

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A stroke of guilt struck her. "That person is leaving. What do I do? Everyone basically asked them to go away."

"Wait, really?" Wendy ran towards the door and shouted in English. "OI COME BACK!"

You lifted your head and turned, only to see two girls waving their hands for you to come back. You quickly went back to the door, almost crying because you felt so relieved.

"Thank you! Thank you! I was so scared. No one would help me."

Yeri and Joy peeked their head out of the door. It seemed now that this wasn't a diehard fan. In fact, this person didn't even seem to know who they were.

"This person doesn't seem excited or anything to see us. Do they not know who we are?" Irene whispered.

"Apparently, they don't. No wonder the guards let them in." Wendy said. "Anyway, come on in. It's getting late, and you seem exhausted as hell."

"Oh! Is it really okay? I don't really want to bother anyone."

"It's fine. Company is always nice. Though, I am the only one here that speaks English. Come on in!" Wendy and Irene stepped in, and you followed.

Their shared house dorm thing was really nice. It was like they were rich. In which case you had to mind what you did. You counted five people, and they were all girls.

If only you knew what you were getting into.

"My name is Y/N, by the way." You introduced yourself.

"Wendy." She smiled.

She was the only one that could speak English, but all of them understood English really well.

"Pleased to meet you. Are you girls roommates? You sure don't look like siblings."

They looked at each other and slowly nodded. That surprised you, but it didn't click in your head immediately that they all understood you. It happened months after that.

"Roommates. Yes. Make yourself at home. I'll make something for you to eat." Wendy walked towards the kitchen. "Oh, and girls. Take it easy on Y/N. Introduce yourselves."

That left you and the four other girls. All staring at you in curiousity. You would be lying if it didn't make you just a little bit uncomfortable. You then took out your book and searched for the phrases you needed.

"Um. W-What is your name?" You said.

That was it. That was the line that got you into the mess you called Red Velvet. You didn't know who they really were until long after you had met them. Their face heated up, and they could barely get a coherent sentence out of their mouth.

Not like you'd understand them, anyway. They introduced themselves to you, and soon Wendy returned with plates of food.

"This looks really good." Seulgi could barely control herself.

They took their seats and started digging in. You didn't know what this dish was, but you didn't ask. It was good, but you were too shy to say anything.

"So, Y/N. What brings you to Korea?"

"Oh! I came to visit my grandmother, who got admitted to the hospital. A hit and run or something like that. I went to take a cab home, but I think the driver misunderstood me. Then he dropped me off like down the street. It was pretty bad."

"Pretty bad? Where is your hotel again?"

"Uh, like here." You took out a pamphlet and showed it to Wendy.

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