"It doesn't matter now." she answered coldly, and Jon pushed her closer. He kissed her. His heart was beating fast and his eyes filled with tears but he kissed her deeply. Because he loved her, no matter what she did, he still loved her. When he released her from the kiss he saw a tear in her eyes, but her face became white. She looked down, and she saw a dagger in her chest. She looked up to Jon again who was staring her with tears in his eyes. He had no other choice. If he did not do this, someone else would. Arya. Tyrion. Anyone else. They would never let her rule. No. They would never let another Mad king or queen to the throne. He held her and placed her to the floor. She tried to breath, but it was done. It was over. She knew it. She took Jon's hand and placed it to her belly with her own hands, then looked into his eyes.
"I just want to create a better world. For him." those were her last words, and she let her last breath out, and her eyes closed. Forever.


Jon stood up and couldn't breath. His heart was beating fast. Bran was sitting in front of him next to the tree. They were in Godswood.
"I had to show this before you leave." Bran was staring him. They were still in Winterfell. After they won the great war against the Night King, before he wanted to leave to win the Last War for Dany.
"What was that." he still can't get back to his mind.
"I mostly see the past, but also some possible futures" he answered.
Jon did not find the right words. He just looking around and he knew he don't let this happen. Nothing what Bran show him can happen. He had to do something, he had to stop it. Everything. He turned around and started to leave, but he stopped suddenly. He turned back to Bran.
"It is as possible outcome of the future. Some parts can change what happens from now on. Some are not, what happened earlier." he spoke in puzzles, and Jon did not have time right that moment to figure what does that mean. He left him immediately and tried to find Daenerys.
"Where is she?" he found Sansa on the wall.
"She already left." she answered. Jon was filled with anger he grabbed Sansa's arm "You promised me."
"What?" Sansa tried to escape from his hand.
"YOU promised me Sansa. You have no idea, what have you done" he pushed her a bit away and left her in a hurry. She was just watching him and she had no idea how does he get to know about it. She just told to Tyrion. A couple minutes earlier.

Jon without any more words just jumped to a horse, and riding away. Fast. He knew he had to catch up the unsullied, before they arrived to the White Harbour. Maybe in this way, he could change the future. He knew he has to try. He has to save Dany, and all the innocent people in King's Landing, before those things happens. If there is only 1% chance for this future, to come true he did not want it. He just couldn't let this to be in this way. He was galopping and he finally saw the small army.
"MISSANDEI!" he yelled. "Missandei!" tried again. The remained small group of unsullied whose were still on the coast were staring him, and following him with their eyes. He looked up to the air, and he saw Drogon and Rhaegal. He wasn't late, but there was no chance for him to stop her, if the boats are leaving. "Missandei!"
Finally he saw her. She was on the boat already with Grey Worm.
"STOP!" Jon yelled, and tried everything. "STOP!" he tried again but no one notices him from the boats.

Dany was staring Rhaegal next to Drogon and she was happy. She almost lost him. Viserion death was still hurts her, but Rhaegal was still there, and Drogon. Two of her children. She was proud. She couldn't loose them. They were finally in the end of this road and winning is almost in their hand. She was sure they can do it. They can reach it. Suddenly Rhaegal roared and change direction. Dany was watching his son and she did not understand. He neved did thing like this. She followed him with Drogon. He landed and roared again. Dany still had no idea what is going on. When Drogon reached the land too, she almost jumped down from his back, and went to Rhaegal and when he reached his head, she saw him. Saw Jon Snow, who was standing there.
"Dany" those words came out from his mouth so hardly, and he immediately grabbed her and kissed her passionately. She did not understand. He rejected her and left her a night earlier and now he was there. Kissing her and hugging her. He caressed her cheek and tried to breath normally.
"I wasn't late." he whispered
"What is going on."
"If you ... leave now. You cannot leave now. You cannot go there."
Dany took a step back and frowned.
"What are you talking about?" she was clearly confused.
"Trust me Dany, please. If you go there, everything will get worse."
"What is this about... is this Sansa? She told something to you?" she was still mistrustful because of what happened earlier. She had no idea why Jon acts like this weird.
Jon took a deep breath. He couldn't lie. He was never been able to lie, and he never could.
"Sansa told the truth to Tyrion." he told straight to her face, and her mood immediately changed.
"I begged you" she became uptight.
"I am sorry Dany. She promised me. She made an oath to me she..." he tried to explain:
"Well it seems that does not mean anything, just for you" she was hostile with him.
"Dany" he stepped closer to her "Trust me, please. You cannot go there. Not now." he grabbed her arm. "I don't wanna loose you."

Dany looked and felt how he was squeezing her then raised her eyes to him.
"I beg you Dany." he placed his other hand to her cheek and stepped more close "You have to trust me. If you go there... horrible things are going to happen. With you with everyone... you don't want this."
"I don't understand"
"I have to tell you something. Something what Bran showed me. Something what ... what if happens it will destroy everything." he placed his forehead to hers and hugged her close. He was not in late, but now he just hoped he can convince her to stop, to not attack King's Landing... that was not sure. Nothing was sure, when it comes about Daenerys Targaryen. Anyway, she was the Queen. 

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