The Final Battle

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Serena's POV

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Serena's POV

Father has decided to attack the black gate. He and Legolas wanted to leave me behind in Gondor. But I wouldn't hear any of it. So they agreed to let me go as long as I stay with Legolas. Which is good, because even though I feel stronger since I got with Legolas. I am still don't have my full power.

I stand in between father and Legolas' horses. As the mouth of Sauron appears with the Jinn beside. I glare at it and it smirks. 'Do you really think that elf loves you?' he asks me in my head. 'What are you compared to him? A weak mortal wolf while he is an immortal elf prince. You will never deserve him' he tells me.

'I know that, but I do not care. I love him and know he loves me' I state.

'Really? What of his first love Tauriel? He loved her since they were children, but she choose a dwarf over him. He'll never forget his first love' he states. 'But today will show weather or not he loves you' he adds.

Just then dad beheads the mouth of Sauron. I look at him surprised, I didn't even know he'd left my side. He returns to us and dismounts his horse. The others follow suit sending the horses away as the gates open. To reveal an army of orcs.

"Stay close Serena" Legolas tells me as I growl at the enemy. I nod my head not taking my eyes off of the Jinn.

"Hold your ground" Father tells the men. "Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!" he shouts.

The men draws their weapons and I bare my teeth as we're surround. We're out numbered nearly twenty to one. But we won't go down with out a fight. "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf" Gimli states.

"What about side by side with a friend?" Legolas asks him.

"Aye, I could do that" Gimli tells him smiling. Father turns back to address us.

"For Frodo" he says serenely. Waving his sword, Aragorn runs towards the orcs, yelling. Merry and Pippin run in after him, the rest of us soon following. I snarl as I run into a group of orcs and start to tear them apart with my teeth.

Soon bird cries are heard. The giant eagles have appeared and start to take on the Nazgul. Just then a force rams into my side. I'm sent flying and land hard on my side whimpering. 'You are weak and you are suppose to be their survivor' Jinn sneers. I stand and face him snarling as he approaches.

I then notice my dad being thrown to the ground by a troll. 'Ada!' I shout for all to hear and go to try help him. But Jinn grabs me by the scruff and throws me in the opposite direction. I land whimpering as blood trickles down my neck.

'Like I said weak and no one will save you' Jinn tells me. He stalks towards me going for the kill as I try to stand. He pushes me down and keeps a paw on my shoulder to keep me there. 'Say goodbye' he snarls and goes to bite my neck. But freezes when Sauron's eye cries out.

An arrow is shout into his side and I grab his neck slamming him into the ground. I bite down hard as he tries to get freed. Soon the light leaves his eyes and he stops moving. I release slowly. "Serena!" Legolas calls and dashes over to me as the tower begins to fall. I look at it, they'd done it. Frodo and Sam had destroyed the  ring.

I start to fall and Legolas catches me. "Easy, it's over" he tells me gently. "I love you Serena" he adds smiling.

"My job is done" I tell him. "I love you too Legolas" I tell him. "I'm going to sleep now" I add before fainting in his arms.

Third Persons POV

"Serena" Legolas says and a bright light surrounds her. A beautiful young Elleth with white hair in a white dress appears in his arms. Aragorn appears and drapes a cloak over her. "She..." he tries to say.

"She fell in love with you and you with her. She is now an elleth for the rest of her days" Aragorn states. "Take care of her Legolas" he adds. Legolas nods his head and picks up Serena holding her close.

"Whose the lass?" Gimli asks as he joins then with Merry and Pippin. Gandalf had left with the eagles to search for Frodo and Sam.

"Serena, she has turned into an elleth" Aragorn states.

"Wow, she's pretty" Pippin states and Merry nods his head in agreement.

"Lets get her to Gondor, she needs rest" Legolas states. He whistles and his horse appears. He mounts it with Serena in his arms. "See you in Gondor" he tells the others and gallops away.


Picture above of the Jinn and pictures in chapter of Serena & Legolas. Gif on the external link of Aragorn leading the charge.

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