Spies and Snow

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Serena's POV

Before we left I spoke to Grandpa and he was worried about me. As I am connect to Arwen and was suppose to leave with her to the undying lands. But now when she leaves I'll become mortal and won't be able to use my full powers anymore. However, I reminded him that this was my purpose for living. To stop Sauron and bring back balance between light & dark.

Gandalf was leading the way west along the Misty Mountains saying we had to hold this course for forty days. He leads the way while Ada and I usually brought up the rear. Gimli apologized for want had happened in Rivendell and I assured him I was fine. Legolas introduced himself as did the hobbits. Merry and Pippin were always asking me questions.

Today we were resting while Sam cooked a small meal for everyone. But I chest caught myself a rabbit to eat, before having a drink of water. Now I sat by Ada as he smokes his pipe and we watched Boromir teach Merry & Pippin to use their swords. I heard Gimli trying to convince Gandalf to take us through the mines of Moria. Meanwhile Legolas was keeping watch on a cluster of rocks.

"Sorry" Boromir says after accidentally hitting Pippin on his hand. Pippin kicks his shin before he tackles him to the ground with Merry.

"For the Shire" Merry declares and I roll around laughing and Ada laughs beside me.

"Hold him down Merry" Pippin instructs and they try keep Boromir down. Who was playing along laughing himself. I was happy to see a more carefree side of him. Just then Ada gets up putting his pipe down and goes to break up the fight.

'I wouldn't do that Ada' I tell him in his head, but he ignores me.

"Alright gentlemen, that's enough" Ada says grabbing Merry and Pippin's shoulders. But instead of stopping they grab his ankles and flip him onto his back. I'm now howling in laughter as both hobbits hold down the two grown men.

"What is that?" Sam asks dragging my attention away from the four people men.

"Just a whiff of cloud" Gimli states and I look to the sky.

"It's moving to fast and against the wind" Boromir states.

"Crebain from Dunland" Legolas announces.

"Hide, take cover!" Ada shouts and I become one with the boulder I am sitting on. Sam put out the fire and everyone got their stuff. Before they hide under bushes and or rocks as the Crebain fly over us.The others came out first and I decided to have some fun.

"Spies of Saruman" Gandalf states looking around.

"Where's Serena?" Pippin asks looking around.

"Serena!" Boromir, Legolas and Merry call my name.

"Stop playing around Serena, show yourself" Ada orders and I come out of the boulder. Everyone gasps in shock and Ada was tapping his foot. "This is no time for games Serena, what do we do now Gandalf?" he asks turning away from me.

"The passage south is being watched" Gandalf states. "We must take the Pas of Caradhras" he tells us. I yip happily at going to where there was snow. It does not snow match in Rivendell if ever and I just love snow.

(About half-way up the Caradhras Pass) Still Serena's POV

A little while ago Frodo fell and I caught him then Ada helped him stand. Excepted he'd lost the ring which was on a chain around his neck. Boromir found it and had picked it up by the chain. He tried to touch the ring but Ada shouted his name gaining his attention. He told Boromir to give to ring back to Frodo and he did so. He then ruffled Frodo's hair saying he did not care about the ring. But I knew it was starting to effect him and I knew Ada was also weary of him.

Any way it's now snowing hard and the snow is like five feet deep. Except Legolas and I could walk on top of the snow. Meanwhile Gandalf was trying to make a path for the others. Boromir and Ada each carried two hobbits each. Ada was carrying Frodo and Sam while Boromir carried Pippin & Merry.

"There is a foul voice on the air" Legolas announces and I growl hearing it as well.

"It's Saruman" Gandalf tells us.

"Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; nai yarvaxea rasselya!" Saruman's voice says over the wind. (Translation: Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your horn be bloodstained).

"He's trying to bring down the mountain!" Ada shouts. "Gandalf, we must turn back!" he shouts at the wizard.

"No! Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith!" Gandalf commands the mountain. (Translation: Sleep, Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold your wrath.) "Serena help me" he tells me and I start to draw my power. Except Saruman spoke again before I could draw my full strength.

"Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; Nai yarvaxea rasselya; taltuva notto-carinnar!"Saruman shouts over the wind causing an avalanche. (Translation:Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your bloodstained horn fall upon enemy heads.) Legolas pulls Gandalf away from the edge in time and I make a small shield around us all to stop us going over the edge. Once I felt the snow stop and I shot out of the snow like a daisy.

Legolas comes up next with Gandalf and I smell for the others. I find Gimli as the others pop their heads up. I dive into the snow head first and grab the back of Gimli's coat. I pulled him up out of the snow and he thanks me.

"We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!" Boromir yells. I move closer to him and Pippin clings to me for warmth with Merry.

'Frodo, Sam come here I'll get you warm' I call to them and they come over. So now I have all four hobbits clinging to me. As I let my inner light warm me more so they don't freeze.

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!" Ada shouts at Boromir.

"If we cannot pass over the mountain, let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria" Gimli states.

"Let the ring bearer decide" Gandalf tells us.

'We can't stay here, it'll be the death of the hobbits!' I shout in everyones mind except the four hobbits. They were still shivering madly as they clang to me.

"Frodo?" Gandalf asks.

"We will go through the mines" Frodo announces loud enough for everyone to hear.

"So be it" Gandalf states and starts leading us back down to the entrance. Sam had warmed up a little and started guiding Bill again with Ada. Frodo stuck close to Gandalf as they talked. Boromir placed Merry and Pippin onto my back as they were still cold. With the extra weight I couldn't walk on the snow, but I only snuck about a foot and not five feet. Legolas and Gimli walked together while Boromir stayed by me.


Gif above of what Serena's feet looked like walking on top of the snow.

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