Chapter 1

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" Tay ! New ! "

Because of P'Yui's voice, Me and Tay stopped and looked back.

" Tomorrow is the first day of shooting for Kiss Me Again na ! Don't be late ! Tay don't silent your phone. Let's meet here around 6am then we will move to the shooting location! Ok ? "

" We already know P' ! Don't worry ! we will be there! See ya ! "

" I am not worry about you ! I am worry this person beside you ! Tay you must wake up Ok ? "

P'Yui pointed her finger to Tay.
Tay holding back her finger and said

" P' I am not a kid ! I know my work ok ? We make a move first na ! See you "

Actually, Me and Tay will going to the Gym. It's already 6:30 pm and we both heading to Gym .
We have been knowing each other for over 5years in this entertainment industry.
Tay is the person who has a beautiful heart & soul.
He got a lot of friends who love him and the fact is really opposite of me .
I don't really have so many friends ..
Normally , I go out with Tay , Off and sometimes with my university friends (not so often) .
Tay, Off and I started working in the industry at the same times and our work were similar so we got closer . I got close to Tay and get along with him more because we had a chance to work together in
" Kiss the series " and now another one will starting tomorrow "Kiss me again " .

Tay and I always spend time together after work.
Like go shopping together , eating together or going gym together. We normally bickering over small things but when other involved, we are united as one ..

So , All of our friends and fans like to teasing and shipping us.Then the ship hashtag #TayNew become after the "Kiss the series" . Oh ! Don't ship us yet ! I forgot to tell that I have a girlfriend and we have been together for almost 1 year.

Well, Now here we are and Tay is already running on the machine.

" Tay ! around 8:30pm let's go back "

" Ok Hin ! You drop me off right? "

" Who else ? "

My phone starts to ring with my special ringtone .

🎶 When I see your face , there's not a thing that I would change 🎶

" Hello Jane "

" New ! Can you pick me up at ( ) Street ? I just finished my tution "

" Ofcos ! I have been missing you much "

I just mouthing to Tay and tell him to go back home himself . I standing up and taking all my things in bag but I'm still on the line with her ..

I just waved my hand as good bye to Tay and coming out of the Gym ..  Once I reached inside the car and start engines

" Ok Ok Bye na I am coming now  ! ".

I hung up the call and make a call to Tay !

" Tay ! Sorry ! You go back by yourself see ya tomorrow ! I haven't seen Jane for a week already I need to pick her up at her tution "

" Go go ! Why do you like to talk so much ? I will play awhile and later go back ! Bye "

Because of my busy schedule , I cannot arrange my time to meet her last week and now I need to go and see her pretty face because tomorrow I will start filming the new series again and I am afraid I cannot give her enough time again.

I saw her waiting for me holding her files ...
Once I stop the engine of the car , she running towards the car ..

" Neww " She grabbed my arm and her head leaning on my shoulder .. She talk to me with a very soft voice ..

" I missed you ! Why are you so busy these day? "

" I miss you too . Hmm a lot of event and tight schedule Jane ! I want to see your face too ! 
Feel Tired Bae ? "

She is attending tution after her full time class in her medical university. She just nodded my question and and said

" How about tomorrow after my class ? Can we se..."

Before she complete her talk , I interrupted and said

" Tomorrow I have a shooting for the new series "

" Kiss me again ? " I can see her face a bit unsatisfied.

" Hmm Yes "

" New ! I told you not to accept the role for the Gay character! the first one kiss the series and the 2nd one is water boy ! I don't like it at all ! A man kiss another man is terrible!  "

" Jane ! Please understand me ! I am an actor and I cannot choose . I have to show my acting skill in every way and every chance I got . And I am not acting with strangers, he is Tay. That's why I accepted the offer. I already explained to you before I accepted the offer "

She looks still upset but she just stay quiet..

" Hope you better not to accept Gay role in next offer ! I beg you New Ok ? Please satisfied with your 3 Gay series and no more please "

" Hmm I will ! Let's go and eat dessert now ! Don't be mad we just see each other after 1 week "

" You always like that ! Never give time for me and always busy with your schedule .. now I know how difficult to be a girlfriend of actor "

She keep on nagging me till I drop her off at her house .. Girls are girls after all.. She keep on repeating the same topic like 100 times on the car ..
Phew ! Now I am heading back to home for rest as tomorrow I need to wake up early ..

Hi guys ! I got 3 days holidays break and free time so I decided to update new story of my boys 😅😂
Hope you guys enjoy reading my fanfic ..
I will try to update 1 chapter per day as this 3 days I am so damn free 😂😂

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