"Don't worry sweetie." She pats my back. "Big guy, come and get him."

Dang it! I never got to finish my show.

My head hurts. It hurts a lot. It feels like a big, thick biscuit sat on top of my head.

"Biscuits!" I shoot up.

"He's up."

Where am I? It looks like a warehouse. Gray walls, gray floors, gray.

"What is this?" I try to stand but my ankles are chained to the wall. My hands are handcuffed too! This is scary!

"Hey Mark." A man walks out of the shadows. He has on a black suit with brushed back brown hair. I know him! Was his name Namjoon? I only met him once and it was the day I got hit by a truck. What a coincidence.

"Hi kidnapper." I giggle.

"Why are you laughing?"

"It's like a movie." I continue to giggle.

"Stop giggling!" He yells.

"O-okay." I shrink back. My back knocking against the concrete wall.

"I told you he's an idiot." Mai walks out of the shadows, her heels clicking loudly.

I'm not an idiot! Well...I don't think I am.

"When will Hoseok get here?" Namjoon asks Mai.

"Eventually." She answers curtly.

"Um...if I may ask, why are you doing this?" I ask quietly.

Both Mai and Namjoon glare at me. Geesh! Do they hate me that much?

"Well, you see Mark." Namjoon squats down to my level. "I hate, no, I despise Jackson. I want him to suffer until he's forced to give me back what's mine. And guess what?" He pokes his finger into my forehead.

"You are the most important thing to him." Namjoon smiles, his dimples catching my eye.

"That's mean. You're mean."

"It's not being mean. You see, greediness can be a very fatal flaw. Everybody has greed. You're greedy for Jackson's safety, Mai's greedy for Jackson's love, I'm greedy for Jackson's money. See? Greediness is everywhere." He pats my face.

He's right. We all are greedy in our own ways. But, there's an extent to greed that shouldn't be passed. Like kidnapping me for some money!

"You hungry, bitch?" Mai stares down at me.

"I am...biscuits would be nice!" I suggest.

The palm of her hand harshly connects with my cheek. The slap echoes in the loud room.

"Stop it."

"Stop what?" I answer with a smile. My cheek is throbbing with pain.

"Stop this 'go lucky', happy act. It's disgusting." She glares at me.

I wonder...are Mai and Tammy two of the same?

"Maybe you should try it." I smile.

"You're ridiculous." She scoffs. "I should try it? I swear I'll beat till you're d-"

"Mai." Namjoon calls her name. "You're not going to hurt Mark until I say so. Got it?"

"Got it." She stomps away.

"Come on." Namjoon removes the shackles around my feet. I'm free!

By my handcuffs, he guides me out of the room up some stairs into what I believe is a house. More like a mansion!

Why does he want Jackson's money? He seems pretty loaded. We walk into an area that seems like a living room.

"Jin!" Namjoon calls an unknown name.

In an instant, a man with dark hair and broad shoulders runs down the large staircase. He has a on a pink sweater with jeans.

"Wow. You-you seriously did it." The man, Jin, shakes his head at Namjoon.

"Get him cleaned up." Namjoon pushes me into Jin's arms. "You have an hour." With that, Namjoon turns on his heel and walks away.

"Dear God, child." Jin stares at me with worried eyes. He cups my face in his hands as he looks me up and down.

"Your head is busted." He taps somewhere on my head, I wince.

"Are you hungry?" He asks softly.

Jin must be a good guy. Good guy, bad cops. Namjoon and Mai are the bad cops.

"I want some biscuits!" I announce happily.

Jin laughs and leads me upstairs.

"I'll make you some biscuits."


Namjoon and Mai are psycho...

Thanks for reading!


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