Chapter 16

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just to let ya know, i'm gonna end at part 20 unless i need to add more. ❤️ hope ur liking this short story :)

-5 days after Grayson leaving-

Ethan's POV

I'm a fucking mess. I need Grayson. I broke up with Maddie, I'm doing whatever it takes to prove to him I love him back. He didn't believe me, but I'm determined to show it.


I need to do it over text.. I don't want to see her anymore than I have to. I know it's the douchebag way of breaking up with somebody, but I don't give a shit. I want- no- NEED Grayson. Not fucking Maddie.

From: ETAN!

We need to talk right now.

From: Maddie

kaykay, what's up? want me to come over?

From: ETAN!

No, it's fine. We have to break up.

From: Maddie

WHAT?! Why?!:(

From: Ethan

I lost feelings. Sorry. I like someone else.

From: Maddie

oh let me guess, that little faggot of a brother? bitch, that's incest. i'm so much better, and more legal then grayson will EVER be😘 you're a nasty fag too.

From: Ethan

Love is love. I definitely don't feel it with you. If I'm such a 'nasty fag' then so be it. I'm happy, and if that's so nasty to you, then well, you can go fuck yourself. I'm sure you won't make yourself scream as loud as I did, but there's always hope. See ya never Maddie.

-Ethan has blocked you-

I knew she'd be a bitch, but now it's like the moment you say anything bad about grayson I loose control.

"Hey everyone! LOOK! IT'S GAYSON!"

Whenever I heard Tucker yell that, my eyes immediately shot up. Anger was filling my body.

"YO! The names Grayson, so I suggest you either say it right or shut the fuck up before I make you!" Grayson said.

When I saw Grayson sticking up for himself, the anger slowly calmed. I assumed he had it under control.

"AWW! Gayson is so tough, but I bet he's all soft once he's in bed with Ethan, that little faggot. Both of 'em." Tucker screeched. I saw the rage fill with Grayson as he stopped in his tracks.

"What tHE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT E-" Grayson said, I knew this wouldn't end well so I had to step in.

"Yo, dude. I'm not in this shit, don't involve me!" I laughed, trying to hide my own anger. I saw Grayson look right at me with anger in his eyes from Tucker, then they softened at the sight of me.

After I kissed Maddie, I saw the look in his eyes change to sadness. "Come on Gray, let's go." I sighed.

What have I done.

I regret not sticking up for him still to this day. Never once did it occur to me to do it.

I laid on the couch in the living room, I've been doing this for the past few days, hoping Gray would come in and I could wake up and he'd be right there.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but it was impossible. Grayson kept filling my head.

I threw my arms over my head and wailed. "WHERE ARE YOU GRAY?"

"I'm here."

i need you | grethan Where stories live. Discover now