Chapter 15

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Ethan's POV

"Grayson?" I called, expecting him to come into my room. No response. "Yo Gray!" I said as I shot up and went to his room. He wasn't there.

"GRAYSON!" I yelled, running up to the window. His car wasn't there. "GRAYSON WHERE ARE YOU?" I said, going back into his room. I noticed a letter on his desk that read "ethan". I picked it up and read it.

dear ethan,
i'm sure you're wondering where i am right now. i needed some time away from all this. a break shall we say. i don't know when i'll be back. i don't know if i'll be back. but i probably will be. but not anytime soon, maybe. i haven't figured that out yet.

i'm sure you're wondering why i left. well, i wanted some time alone, some time to figure things out. figure US out. you told me you loved me back ethan. but, i don't think you meant it. for a third time, i walked in on you and maddie. well, this last time i only heard her. please for the love of god, chose already. pick me or maddie.

i know it's incest, ethan. i know you're scared. but it's okay, only we would know. of course i'm not pressuring you into ANYTHING, no way. you love who you love, like mom said. and.. if that person is maddie, well i'll handle it. i've been handling it.

but right now, you're distant from me. it hurts ethan. so, i'm going away for a while. i can't do this right now.

i'm so sorry.

i'll be back. hopefully.

Tears were dripping down my face and onto the page, smudging Gray's handwriting. He left because of ME. All he did was love me. And I reacted like this. He's right, I am scared. I want to love him, and I do love him.

I just don't know if I'm ready to show it all the way yet.

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