Konfinda - a prequel of sorts for JADFT

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The employees of Stark Industries had begun to notice a new person among them as repeated sightings of a young, maybe 15 to 16, boy ducking in and out of labs before disappearing down the corridors of the building. Many of them had tried to stop him or call security but he always managed to slip away and security never seemed to respond.

He had been caught talking with F.R.I.D.A.Y on multiple occasions but when questioned the AI responded with 'Konfinda'.

Many of the workers and interns knew that 'Konfinda' meant confidential in Esperanto, as it was basically the number one nerd language, so understood that whoever the mystery boy was, he was important.

Soon everyone, including F.R.I.D.A.Y, had started to refer to him as Konfinda. It was rumoured that the nickname was what was written on his badge too after a worker had tried to catch his name on it.

The ex-Avengers had returned home, after Mr Stark finally managed to settle the accords and pardons them, and were now standing in the tower lobby staring at the brown haired, pun tee wearing, teen who had just stepped out of the private lift at the end of the room.

He introduced himself as Konfinda and immediately began talking in a commanding tone.

Now, I'm here to escort you up to the penthouse to meet with Mr Stark, he spent a month working on the accords so you should be grateful."

His tone had become chilled, obviously this was a touchy subject for the boy. Konfinda's suddenly cold attitude seemed to shock the bow master out of his silence.

"Just who are you bossing us around like that and using Tony's first name? Do you take us as fools who you can slip a fake name to and expect us to take the bait? Kid, I's best friends with the Black Widdow, I know when someone's trying to play me!"

Clint has started fuming but Konfinda stood his ground as the archer advanced towards him.

Just then the tower doors opened and non other than Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widdow herself walked in, spotting the brown haired teen immediately and walking over, ignoring her ex-teammates as she did.

"привет мой маленький паук."

"Тетя Таша!"

Konfinda's eyes lit up and Clint paused in surprise at Natasha's friendliness towards the boy.

"эти идиоты тебя раздражают, конфинда?"

"Не совсем, мне нужно отнести их к мистеру Старку."

At that Natasha threw an arm around Konfinda's shoulders and began walking with him towards the elevator making a sign for the ex-Avengers to follow.

The last thing the employees who had gathered heard before the lift doors closed was the Winter Soldier's question in Russian.

"Кто, черт возьми, ты, малыш ?!"

And the Black Widdow ratting him out to Captain America for swearing.

From that day on no one got in Konfinda's way.

So far Konfinda rarely talked to the other workers and interns in the tower unless it was to ask the location of something, usually he would just slip in and then back out so quickly and quietly it was like he was never there.

The first time he stepped in was when he was visiting one of the lower labs and a group of interns were mucking around with some of the chemicals from the nearby store room when he deftly stepped in and switched the beaker of liquid they were about to pour something into with an empty one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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