Part 1

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so people didn't like the old title pic, so I changed it


Enjoy reading

To make a long story short, poor, cinnamon bun of a hero, Peter Parker, or should I say Stark, managed to get tangled up in a class trip to his home. He didn't mean to, but his parents, Tony and Pepper, were extremely good at keeping it secret, just like his adoption.

This was why Peter was now standing in the Stark Industries lobby listening to his classmates ask questions that he knew the answers to.


The class had recently been introduced to Lauren, their guide for the day and had received their access badges.

Excuse me, but what's the difference between your badge and ours?"

Abe asked politely.

All Peter could think was; Oh sh*t, well there goes nobody questioning our different badges.

"There are ten different colour badges which represents what job the wearer has, it also represents their rank. Each colour has a multitude of different people working under them, all at different levels, so along with each colour there is a number. If you look ant your badges you will see that you all have a White 1 badge, this is because you are a school tour group. White badges represent the public, therefore you will only be able to access toilets and wherever I unlock.

Around you on your tour, you will notice people with black badges, tohese people are security. There are ten security members on every floor, hey can only access their floor and two above and below in case backup is required. You can find security from this level to level 96.

After Black we have Violet badges, as you can see I have a Violet badge, this is because Violet are our publicity officers. I am a level 3 meaning I'm a guide, levels 4 and 5 are rarely seen in public but can be heard over the radio and write the articles for the paper. Levels 1 and 2 attend public events and are often featured on television. Indigo are the important guests, such as business men and politicians.

Blue le-"

Lauren was cut off by Flash.

"What level are the interns?"

"I was just getting to them, interns are Blue, head interns are level 1, beyond that I have no idea. Although..."

Lauren shot a glance in Peter's direction.

"We do have three level 0 interns working here currently, but they have a different colour badge."

Flash chose that moment to stride over to the trio in the back.

"Ha, you couldn't even get your badge colour right."

"Flash, you can't even tell what colour it is!"

Interjected Cindy. And she was speaking the truth, Peter's badge appeared to be a clear piece of plastic with "Маленький паук" and "konfidinda" written under his ID picture.

"Yeah, but you can see what colour the Blue ones are."

Flash gestured over his shoulder at two female interns who were passing, their Blue badges visible for all to see. Both interns glanced over to see a large kid hulking over the Peter Parker and acted immediately.

"Hi Peter!"

The first girl, called out.

"Hi Ned, MJ!"

Just another disastrous field tripWhere stories live. Discover now